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2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:23 pm
by onecooltngeek

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* $4500

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:38 pm
by Dualsport
VERY nice. Take any trades?

ray at cycle-analyst dot com

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* $4500

PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:49 pm
by onecooltngeek
Shooting you an email...

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* $4500

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:54 pm
by AtomicSpew
Dude, if you're getting 50-60mpg on the Baggy, you're setting a record! Are you sure you're converting from KM to Miles correctly? The speedo's are in kilometers, which will dramatically throw off your mileage if you don't do the conversion...

Anyway, it's a great looking bike--good luck!

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* $4500

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:09 pm
by onecooltngeek
I've not actually measured out the MPG. I took that as an average from the different reviews I read about the bike.
Most ranged from 50mpg to 70mpg. I knew it wasn't 70, but thought 50 sounded pretty good, as I know my FJR1300 got the mid 40's with a heavy throttle hand and lots of stop/go traffic.

Thanks for the compliments on the bike it is alot of fun, and really, hope the TL sells and not the baggie ( Geico insurance on it was only $205 for a year full coverage w/ medical.


I have lowered the price for either bike to $4000....

somebody pick one up =)

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:22 pm
by kman.45
From one Knoxvegas guy to another, and this is just my $0.02. Your price is still way to high. Baggi's haven't gone for much more than $3500 for a while now. I paid $3500 for my 2003 in 2006, and it had 2000Km. About a year ago I paid $4500 for 2004 with about 11000Km, but it had a few extras, including the full kit to convert to 21/18 wheels (which was tires, wheels, kickstand, new chain, sprocket, and front brake caliper mount and speedo drive). That kit had lots of side offers of $1000+ (it was NEW). So the bike was basically $3500. Good luck, wish I had a local buddy that wanted one, cuz they rip on the mtn roads around here.

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:04 am
by AtomicSpew
I'd give you $800 for the 21/18 conversion kit, just say the word! :mrgreen:

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:28 pm
by Bagyman
And just to kinda back up Kman, I bought that second Baggy from him for $3500. It had a sargent seat, an M4 exhaust, bar end mirrors and a few other goodies.

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:30 pm
by pontala
can I have a number to call you on this bike?

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:19 am
by pontala
I sen you couple emails but you did not respond to have the bike our you sold it? just let me know please 5407935746

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:36 am
by onecooltngeek
Sorry I forgot to come here and close this.
I traded my MZ for a ninja 250+ some cash a few weeks ago.
The MZ is the better bike for sure, more agile, more SMG (Smile per Gallon).
but for daily commuting to work rain or shine, the little ninja is hard to beat.
First tank of gas of spirited driving yielded 62mpg.

Thank you for your interest on the MZ, I highly recommend them to anyone.
It looks like there are plenty of good ones for sale on this board now, so I'm sure you will have no problems picking one up

Re: 2003 MZ Baghira * Knoxville TN* Price Drop $4000

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:00 pm
by iceman
onecooltngeek wrote:Sorry I forgot to come here and close this.
I traded my MZ for a ninja 250+ some cash a few weeks ago.
The MZ is the better bike for sure, more agile, more SMG (Smile per Gallon).
but for daily commuting to work rain or shine, the little ninja is hard to beat.
First tank of gas of spirited driving yielded 62mpg.

Thank you for your interest on the MZ, I highly recommend them to anyone.
It looks like there are plenty of good ones for sale on this board now, so I'm sure you will have no problems picking one up

I guess Miles per gallon won out over smiles per gallon,gas will drop back a little at some point and you will wish you had the much bigger Smiles per gallon back...