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What are these saddlebags?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:07 pm
by sherdod1
As some of you may know, my father, Mark Schaumann (Username: DEmark) passed away in April due to a negligent driver running into his bicycle. Dad was a great person and he is missed by many.
As I am going through my Dads belongings, I came across a pair of saddlebags. Here is a photo of them on his MZ. Can anyone tell me what brand they are? Can they be used interchangeably on various motorcycles? Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Thanks to everyone who sent their condolences.

Re: What are these saddlebags?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:04 pm
by phlat65
Once again, sorry about your Dad.

Most of the Hard bags are pretty standard, I can't see the logo, But Zega, Touratech, are some suppliers. You can use the Cases on another Bike with a different rack system. I don't know what rack your dad had, but Touratech were the only supplier that had a MZ specific rack system.

The cases them selves can be had new in the 200-300 range each. The rack system was around 300-400 I think. Check the Touratech website for specific prices. If you decide to sell the cases or rack, I bet someone here will put them to good use (me included)

Good luck.