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Russell Daylong Touring seat for MZ Skorpion Traveller

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:07 pm
by edfmaniac
Anybody out there looking for a comfy alternative to their stock seat can have a custom built Russell Daylong saddle for their Traveller. I think it fits the Tour also but am just going off of pictures. It's not new but has no tears. The only damage other than a little UV fading is at the very front tip of the saddle where I had a tendency to stand it up on the concrete. The seat covering is slightly worn through but hardly visible when installed on the bike. Their cheapest seat is $400 new so let's start at $175 obo.

Re: Russell Daylong Touring seat for MZ Skorpion Traveller

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:12 pm
by buckwheat5679
I have one like that and have done 500 mile days with ease.