Howdy folks,
As witttom pointed out, its been a while since any announcements, and this is somewhat an important one.
As some of you know the board has been hacked a while back, and ever since then i began looking for an alternative package.
This one is actually a nice one, its open source, has a fairly decent amount of enhancement pacakges, but as open source somewhat unreliable in which packges maintain development, how polished they are and in a sense also how secure they are.
So here I'm on the market for a community soft package, and thought id recah out to our members and see if anyone has had good experiences with some particular ones.
Essential Features we need as a community:
Forum System w
File attachments
Photo Gallery, both public and personal
Article submittion module
(allowing member to submit How-to's/Experiences etc.
with moderator approval and formatting)
Media Library
(manuals, video and audio a plus)
Wiki reference (general database of user submittable info,
like parts compatibility
+ anything else that you folks would liek to see and most of us agree as a good addition.
Free ofcourse is preffred, but if its a commercial product with a license that is not sky high, i will consider investing in that as well. if the pacakeg is really what we all need here.
So please submit your suggestions and recommendations here or in priv message, and hopefully we'll figure out a new medium for this great community.