New member with a question

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New member with a question

Postby routeinfo » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:24 am

Hi all, new member here who is looking to buy a Skorpion if I can find one. I live in California and my question is, were the Skorpions ever sold in new California? If so then they are CARB certified and if I find one from out of state then I wont have trouble registering with the DMV. If not it could be a hassle in the future.

Thanks in advance. ... oduced.pdf
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:33 am

Re: New member with a question

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:54 am

Welcome to the site.
I've seen a number of California registered Skorpions for sale all across this state, so yes would be my answer to your first question.
The last I understood purchases from other states, cars or motorcycles, can be registered in california, but they are required to have a certain amount of mileage on them to be considered "used" to allow for this and the factory emissions equipment be unmodified. At this time motorcycles aren't checked for mileage or emissions. The DMV could be more accurate with the facts conserning out of sate purchases.
These motorcycles don't have much on them anyway...
Since MZ hasn't been and isn't imported into the country and most in the industry don't even know what they are, I'd be surprised anyone would have problems with registration.
Hope this helps some...
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Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:54 pm
Location: Scotts Valley CA

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