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Postby Hireky » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:58 pm

Dear All,

Hello everyone!

I purchased my 125sm in Feb 2007. A half of a year ago, I started to make maintenance my front forks, and simultaneously intended to change my rims.

Therefore, I dismantled my wheels and ordered sets of spokes & nipples to a local dealer, because the status was quite terrible. They were rusty very much. However, dealers couldn't prepare them for me. I was waiting for a long time, until a month ago, however, dealers still couldn't prepare, even though my front fork had been maintained already.

So, I consulted about the parts to the dealer who was in UK.
He could prepare the spokes and nipples from one pc for each.
I was glad to hear it and ordered some to him thankfully.
Luckily and unluckily, a local painting supplier had painted my original spokes, although they lost some of my spokes. I will combine my original spokes and new spokes from UK.

Anyhow, I have already received some sets from the UK dealer, so that soon later, I would assemble my wheels.

I would like to up load my 125sm, after I completed assembling them.

Thanks for your reading.
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Re: Newbie

Postby OSPRNG » Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:12 am

hey Hireky,

i also have a 125 SM. this is my very first motorcycle so i'm learning as i go along.

i got it this summer from previous owner who didnt ride it at all after buying it in 2002, so it was in very pretty bad un-maintaned shape..
gradually getting it back to normal :)

welcome to the board :smt006
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Re: Newbie

Postby Hireky » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:47 am


Thanks for your welcoming very much. :D

This is my second bike and my first one was made in 1987 model Kawasaki 250. It is in Japan now, because I couldn't bring it to Malaysia due to high import tax.

I have up loaded some of my photos. Please check them, if interested.
And, , , I don't know why 2 of same pics were up loaded.
Just after up loading, the line was disturbed. It may be the reason.
Sometimes, the line is not stable here.

I will try to delete one of them.

Sincerely Yours,
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Re: Newbie

Postby OSPRNG » Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:55 am

nice pics, i especially like the paintjob (mine is just plain yellow)


what kind of tachometer is that? as far as i know these dont come wit a stock one, but that one looks to fit right in perfectly.
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Re: Newbie

Postby Hireky » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:35 pm


Thanks for your refering my photos very much.

The tachometer is a common after parts which is made in POSH (Japanese Parts Supplier). Before I bought my 125SM, I purchased this meter when I went back to Japan. It is originally in a stainless case which is brilliant silver.
However, when the lighting LED was broken, I needed to open it.
And in order to open it, I had to grind the swaged portion of the cap.

After changing LED, I used a tire tube in order to fasten the cap to a body.
A tire tube is very tough enough, so that it can prevent dirt or water from getting into the tachometer.
And as OSPRNG said, the color can match to the original speed meter very much also.

I moved the original speed meter to up and leftward,
so that I can install the tachometer just beside the speed meter.
The angle is a bit deviated from the center,
but it is kind of racy, huh? 8)

By the way, although I tried to delete one of two photos,
I couldn't know how to delete it. :oops:
Could you teach me how to delete it, please?

Sincerely Yours,
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Re: Newbie

Postby borisattva » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:22 pm

Hi Hireky

i apologize for the current state of our photo album, i know it can be confusing.

when you go to the image in your gallery (i'm guessing you mean this one: gallery/viewpic.php?pic_id=428 )
below the image there should be 'Delete image' link. let me know if you cant find it and i'll just delete it for you.

welcome to the board
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Re: Newbie

Postby Hireky » Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:56 pm

Hi borisattva

Thanks for your instruction very much.

When I heard the news that MZ factory in Germany also was closed,
I was disappointed very much. :cry:
However, after that I noticed this site and was encouraged very well. :shock:
I admired and appreciate this site very much. :wink:
In future, I expect your good administration will go on.

I went to the link which you provided and looked for the 'Delete image' link,
, , , however, unfortunately I couldn't find it.
What I found was 'See more from this album' link. . .

Could you please delete the photo for me? :oops:
I'm so sorry also for my providing a trouble to you.

Best Regards,

Thanks very much. As the above, he taught me the way to solve the matter. :D
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