ddr motorad museum berlin (pic heavy)

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ddr motorad museum berlin (pic heavy)

Postby hmmmnz » Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:09 pm

hey guys, was wondering around berlin today, and spotted a sign for a ddr bike museum,

and having owned a couple of mz's in my time i thought id pop in and see what they had

ill let the pics tell the story, essentially its mz's and simsons, with a couple of randoms


history of mz bikes


i loved this one, 2 main seats plus a kiddie seat and a trailer, fun for the whole family


a collection of simson mopeds




the 16 year old special :D still see kids blasting these about in europe and sweeden/norway


not sure what the czetta is doing in here being made in former Czechoslovakia, but cool, they were also made in new zealand and rebadged as .... nzetta's :D


also a bmw r35, not ddr but still ace


one of the last simsons before going under :(





some monocoque framed simsons,


mz 500 with the rotax 500 4stroke motor in police guise, a saxon tour i think


the probably ost recognisable of the mz shapes


army edition with black out lights






one of my most favourite mz's the bk350, basically a 2 stroke boxer twin with a tiny exposed shaft drive



a pitty .... :D never heard of them before today, essentially a mz 125cc 5hp engine shipped to belin where it was shoved into 140kg frame.. was never going to be a success, but looks ace :D


another police bike


rotax engined silver star


and with a side car unit


more side cars


the mighty mz1000, the only 4 stroke engine they produced, beautiful bikes to ride, they also did a naked version as well


a 500.. essentially 2 250cc engines welded together :D


yeah there you go there were some cool factory dirt bikes, but didnt get any pics
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Re: ddr motorad museum berlin (pic heavy)

Postby therealche » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:39 pm

Thanks for the pictures. Ive got to get there one day as well as revisiting Augustusburg. The Campi trailer on the Berlin can now sell for more than the scooter itself!

The BMW may actually be DDR. The BMW singles were built in Eisenach before WW2 and at the end of the war this was in the east. They continued to build BMW badged bikes till (I think) 1951 when BMW sued them , so they changed the name to EMW (Eisenacher Motorenwerk) and changed the badge from blue and white to red and white

Ive always loved the ES 250/2 based police bike, The back end is very Troll like... another of the IWL scooters. they also made an Es250/1 version ( think I posted a picture of one a year or so back)

The Pitty was very like the Gogomobil. it was underpowered and overweight but was the first of the IWL scooters ( Pity, Wiesel, Belin and Troll)

The Eskort MZ with the humungous fairing was an interesting bike. The engine looks like a TS250, but had a 5 speed gearbox, as well as the twin plug head seen on the /G bikes. Again from memory they only built 60 or so, and if one appears for sale they go for huge prices.

And then there is the Stoye 2 sidecar on the Doppelport........ I think my favourite of all the bikes they built

ES250 Doppelport, ES250, ES250/1, ES250/2,ETS 250, ES150, ETS150, BK350, IWL Pitty, SR56 Wiesel, SR59 Berlin, Troll............ and thats just the German two strokes!
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