off for test ride tomorrow!

Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:46 pm
by perryboy23
decided to trade in my kawasaki Z750 for one of these beauty's, gonna try one out tomorrow the guy in the shop says its "different to ride" and that you must always have the revs above 4000rpm or it shakes?
Ill let you know how i got on.

Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:26 pm
by LWS66
As far as the low RPM "judders" with the stock gearing.....just remember that switching from a 17/43 combo to something like a 16/45 combo will eliminate that issue. Transforms the bike IMO...... going thru the gears while accelerating hard never drops the rpms out of the MZ's impressive torque band, so it obviously compliments the trans gear ratios. And that combo enables you to use the original Regina 108 link chain, which is good....saves you some considerable $$$. I did'nt like the "shaking" either...could'nt go down my gravel driveway in first without pulling in the clutch occasionally to keep from going too fast...... so that was the first thing that got changed. And you still can hit 130+ mph if you really need to! Don't let the shakes be the determining factor...It's an easy and cheap cure.

Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:26 am
by perryboy23
Did it! went and bought 1 of the special edition mz's just gotta wait two weeks for import then, happy days!

Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:30 pm
by perryboy23
by the way there was six limited editions left now theres five!


Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:30 pm
by LWS66
What's the story on the "Limited Edition"? Have'nt heard anything about that.

Special Edition 1000 SF

Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:21 am
by motorcycles4less
The Special Edition has a Matt Red Fuel Tank with a Black Stripe, Black sides where your knee sits in the tank cut outs, Black Exhausts, Black footrests front and rear and Red pin striping (moto GP Style) on the wheels. Plus it costs an extra £290.00 GBP. There were a limited number of 25 made of wich there are now only a few available.[/img]