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MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2020 12:50 pm
by FJ04EJC
Thinking of parting with my MZ1000S after 12 years of ownership. Was silver, now black, 2004 with 20k miles on it. I haven't a clue what it's worth, anyone hazard a guess?

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:33 am
by MJ310
That's a very difficult question to answer as they are 1. not common (less than 19 in the UK), 2. not collectable (yet and probably never will be), 3. wear an MZ badge (still has an communist two stroke stigma attached to it), 4. servicing could be a big problem as most (if not all) dealers will have no experience of them or the special tools.
They will only appeal to someone who wants something different or if it's cheap. The last SF I saw for sale was up for £5.5k but I don't know if it sold and think it was probably £1k over priced so I suggest you start at £5.5k and see what interest there is out there. Good luck.

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:37 am
just keep it ..if you buy something else it will cost at least 15 k and be an orphan in 10 years

all my cars and bikes are orphans even the bmw bikes its close to a 200 mile round trip
and the parts dealer for the old ones is 180 and they do know about them
yes they have seen an r50s bmw but its been a while :smt023

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:37 am
by breakwellmz
FJ04EJC wrote:Thinking of parting with my MZ1000S after 12 years of ownership. Was silver, now black, 2004 with 20k miles on it. I haven't a clue what it's worth, anyone hazard a guess?

It`s worthless mate, you might as well just donate it to me! :wink:

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 2:23 pm
by FJ04EJC
Thanks guys. My problem is it sits in the shed largely unused and it deserves better. I would reluctantly let it go for £5k as at that price the owner is going to look after it. I think it could become collectible but that's probably five years away yet.

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:31 am
by Puffs
Not sure either if they will ever become collectable, that is a bit of a fashion-like thing. It requires sufficient people to give it momentum.

Other than that, it's a nice bike, and 20k miles is not too much, yet £5k sounds ambitious to my ears, for a 16 year old bike without parts network. Surely value remains a local thing; consider advertising in Germany, there might be a stronger market there (trawl the websites). Before the end of the year.

Good luck.

Re: MZ1000S value?

PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2020 2:35 pm
by mzsrus
Very collectable in Germany
All depends on condition
There has to be no faults really.
I have too many well 4 lol
Stay safe