I had removed the tacho as one of the globes had come out and was
rattling around in the tacho pod. I found that the centre brass bit
on the connector that goes into the tacho for the electricity was
broken/missing. So I replaced this little bit of brass. Connected the
tacho back to the power supply. Turned the key to on. Started the
engine and the tacho doesn't work. Disconnect the connector and pull
out the bit of brass I had put in there. Reconnected the tacho.
Turned key to on and engine on switch to RUN and press starter
button. I hear a loud clunk from down near the fuses and the engine
won't start. Press the starter button again. Again a clunk and then
not power at all. Nothing. No indicators, horn, lights nothing.
I pulled all the fuses out. The 3amp one broke. So I replaced that
with a 10amp as that is the lowest that I have. I replaced the 15amp
one with a new one which I assume carries the current for starting
Still a dead bike.
Anyone got any ideas? Do I have short somewhere? Does the tacho have
to be connected for power to flow to all systems in the bike?
What makes this all worse is wifes car died big time. Autotransmisson
is gone. This happened Chrsitmas Eve. And the bike is our sole form
of transport now. Gets worse pldest daughter starts first job on
Friday night and can't get there by public transport so need the bike
really bad.