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Postby Old Dog » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:24 pm

I currently run my Skorpion on semi- synth, but in the summer I will be off to the IOM for the TT a week of hard and long riding so I am thinking of treating the old girl to a change to fully-synth. Any suggestions? Is it worthwhile? or am I thowing good money away?

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Re: Oil

Postby aah5 » Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:16 pm

Had my Skorpion Tour for nearly 8 years and coming up for 108,000 ks. Used Castrol synthetic for first few years and changed oil every 10,000, and swithched to Castrol Active 4T semi synthetic over the last couple of years. Motor is as quiet as the day I picked it up and oil usage has not increased, around 250mls /1000k.
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Re: Oil

Postby MSW » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:15 am

Yeah!!! An oil thread!!! :smt041 :smt041 :smt041

There's nothing like an oil thread to fill up an otherwise slow, winter winter season stuck at home with PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome).

I know. I'm a douche bag. :smt040
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Re: Oil

Postby Linegeist » Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:09 am

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Nah - you're just a drain tray really! ;-)

I was told all kinds of horror stories about clutch slip and stuff if I wanted to use a synthetic oil- None of it was true. The Skorp engine doesn't produce enough power to generate slip anyway, and the peace of mind it gives me knowing that a top-of-the-range oil's squirting around my motor's innards is well worth the small extra cost.

The only time I wouldn't use a fully synthetic oil is in a brand new engine, as the enhanced lubricating characteristics can interefere with the bedding-in/running-in process.
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Re: Oil

Postby kman.45 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:11 am

Linegeist wrote::mrgreen: :mrgreen: Nah - you're just a drain tray really! ;-)

I was told all kinds of horror stories about clutch slip and stuff if I wanted to use a synthetic oil- None of it was true. The Skorp engine doesn't produce enough power to generate slip anyway, and the peace of mind it gives me knowing that a top-of-the-range oil's squirting around my motor's innards is well worth the small extra cost.

The only time I wouldn't use a fully synthetic oil is in a brand new engine, as the enhanced lubricating characteristics can interefere with the bedding-in/running-in process.

Also urban legend story. Many manu's put full synthetic in their new bikes, let alone lots of other types of engines/powerplants never have dino-oil put in them.
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Re: Oil

Postby Linegeist » Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:22 pm

kman.45 wrote:Also urban legend story. Many manu's put full synthetic in their new bikes, let alone lots of other types of engines/powerplants never have dino-oil put in them.

Cool! :wink:

Care to post a link to substantiate that remark?

It's a given that synthetic oil is more 'slippery', as evinced by some bike clutches slipping under load when used with it (the Honda CX series for example) so the differences would not seem to be confined to simply resisting wear and staying in viscosity for longer.

I appreciate that some manufacturers produce engines to very fine tolerances with a view to putting a long-life lubricant in to give an extended first service interval. However, I suggest to you that not all engines are equal and that the enhanced lubrication properties of a top-end fully synthetic oil will inhibit bedding-in of the piston rings for example, to the point where blow-by causes gumming of the rings before they establish a bore-tight seal.
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