New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

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New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

Postby cool92092 » Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:44 am


I recently acquired a 2000 MZ Skorpion and had the pleasure of riding it until last week it started leaking fuel. I tried to take it to the shop but almost every shop I called turned me away so I'm tooling around with it by myself. I think the leak is coming from a hose (heavily cracked) that goes between the bottom of the air box, up to a T splitter that branches off to the back of the fuel tank, and then continues up around the carbuerator, to the left side of the bike and goes into the crank case. What really surprised me was that there is a spring inside this tube. I'm assuming this is something associated with a rebreather apparatus but honestly have no idea why its there. Any ideas? I'm going to replace it with regular hose and scrap the spring but the whole system is intriguing to say the least.

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Re: New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

Postby basser23 » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:00 pm

That would be a breather hose...if you are leaking fuel,this will not be the reason,
Check the overflow drains from the carbs,if you have a stuck float,they'll leak fuel...
check the tank petcock,fuel line,etc,,,
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Re: New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

Postby aah5 » Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:51 pm

The hoses on the MZs seem to be a one of the few weak points that I have come across. Many of the hoses have begun splitting or broken off when I have had to remove them, measure them up and go to your local autoparts supplys and buy a few meters of each size and replace as required. Its a waste of time taking your bike to any of the dealers and seek assistance,they don't want help unless its one of theirs or a popular brand, they are just into servicing and swapping with genuine replacement parts. If you are not the mechanical DIY kind look around for a small independent workshop,ones who are into racing bikes,specials they have built or such, these are the real mechanics and love to work on something different.
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Re: New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:18 pm

some springs inside hoses sometimes are to keep hose from collapsing when there is a bend
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Re: New Member Skorpion Mech. Question

Postby cool92092 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:18 am

thanks for the reply gents. I appreciate the info. I replaced the hose with a regular hose from the auto parts place and everything is patched up nice and neat. The whole job cost only $0.75 for the replacement hose.
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