When it comes to exhaust systems particularly the silencer part there are many aspects that require evaluation. I'll list them starting from the outside to inside and comparing them to the factory originals:
1) The basic shape...is it made in exactly the same shape? (length angles and curvatures)
2) The general fabrication...is the welding good and is the surface undented?
3) The chrome plated finish...has the steel been polished well and does the chrome plate have the same quality?
4) Is the steel the same gauge or thickness?
5) Are the internal baffles identical to the original design? This is nearly impossible to see although one could try shining a torch into the outlet to see some detail.
Point 5 above is probably the most important as regards 2 stroke performance, economy and sound output level. A 2 stroke relies so much on resonances within the exhaust system so changing the baffle design is guaranteed to change the performance in some part of the power spectrum. Often 4 stroke replica silencers have less baffles and so are often louder (too loud?)
On my etz 250 rebuild I bought a silencer from a well known Ebay seller and I have to say the quality looked excellent with good chrome, excellent welding and not a blemish or even a small dink anywhere. Unfortunately I could not compare weights to the original as it was thrown away earlier but I would have to have made some deduction from its weight as the carbon build up would have added several grams to it but it felt decently weighty. The sound of the exhaust seems to have the correct volume and tone but a direct comparison with an original is not available to me. However only full bore maximum performance test will reveal if the exhaust affects the performance negatively. The only way this silencer looks different is the absence of the stamped writing on the outlet plate at the end which is something I like on the originals....Addendum: after checking I note that the end plate does have a series of numbers stamped on it so not completely bare.
Even though I have praised this aftermarket replica silencer I have to remember beauty is only skin deep and it would be nice to hear from other owners how similar their engine performs comparatively when fitted with the same item.