G'day All,
Ok so I need as much help as I can get My 250 ETZ has a broken speedo cable, and I do not know how to get the top and bottom rubbers off to get at the cable into the Speedo. There is a small plate holding the edge of the bottom rubber - I have taken this off - but no real difference.
The outer rubbers do not seem to come off top or bottom. The speedo and the rubbers can be turned round - but that does not seem to do anything to help.
Your help appreciated.
And by the way I have sorted the ignition light problem - the coil in the Regulator had a problem with the bottom solder joint and there was an unreliable connection. Since the RHS of the Regulator has rubber mounting, I assume that the left should have been rubber mounted? In my defence I have not fiddled with this mounting, and must pass the buck to a previous owner.
Thanks in advance, Arthur