by DAVIDGUEST123 » Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:50 am
Hi again,
Test run done, inbetween the rain showers. All seems to be good, probabally should go to 225 on the main as the plug is a more milk chocolate than dark choc, but for now it's ok.
Yep the rebore is a bit of a pain, kind of blame my self for letting the chap decide what was the right gap. Saying that, the rattle sound bad when it's ticking over and on the overun but out on
the road under load it sounds ok. just need to keep an eye out for a barrel then get it done correctly to spec. I've had a quick look on ebay Germany but they're all a little salty. There's one listing for
a barrel with half the top fin missing and the chap want 220 euro for it..suppose there's no harm in him trying.