Mzts 125 kick start.

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Mzts 125 kick start.

Postby JawasandMZs » Fri Feb 09, 2024 11:08 am

I've recently become the happy owner of an MZ TS125. The one slight issue on this bike is that the kick start doesn't snap back smartly to its upright position, it needs a bit of help with my foot and then remains in position ok whilst riding.

Is this normal on one of these bikes or do I need to replace the spring/ wind it round another turn against the stop to make it work better? Or would doing so over-stress the spring causing its early failure?

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Re: Mzts 125 kick start.

Postby Gerryman Ts125 » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:15 am

Most kickstarter spring problems can be cured by wrapping a bungie rope around it. And a good return point. Instant spring rebound. :D Unless you really what to strip it for repair. I know that the return springs do fail and are available on line. One of my Ts 125`s would kick, then jam, as it had worn on the quadrant/clutch dogs.

Again parts are still available for these too.
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