1994 ETZ 125 - Protect it from a nooob!

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1994 ETZ 125 - Protect it from a nooob!

Postby 94mzmart » Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:35 pm

completely new to this 1994 MZ ETZ125 Saxon Sports star.
in need of some help.

it's been stood for a year or so, so engine oil change?
under engine, plug out, drain, re-plug and
re-fill via the rubber plug at the top of the engine case??

what engine oil to use ?

gearbox oil? or does it use the engine oil? like the good ol' mini engines.
how do i go aobut changing that?

i really need to find somewhere in town that sells the haynes manual for it...

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: 1994 ETZ 125 - Protect it from a nooob!

Postby manumensa » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:43 am

Hello and wellcome Mart.

Drain plug only numbers 2 and 3.

You re-fill via the rubber plug:

Use SAE 80 EP (transmision-gearbox oil). Quantity: 500 cc.

Your Saxon Sporstar have differences (electric, carburator, rev. counter...) with the old ETZ 125 models but basically this can help you:

http://www.mzclubhungary.com/Letoltesek ... szerelesi/ MZETZ125150szerelesi.html


http://www.mz-b.de document archives (Miraculis)

Enjoy the end-year party !!!
Best regards, Manuel.
The answer is blowin' in the wind...no wind no answer :(
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