Buying bits from Bill Jurgenson!!!

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Buying bits from Bill Jurgenson!!!

Postby Linegeist » Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:27 am

Careful chaps! I think Bill's got himself a system of flogging new bits but pretending they're only second-hand!!! :shock: :twisted: :smt005

Last week, he offered to flog me a rear Brembo brake caliper he had knocking around in his workshop, to replace the buggered and monstered Grimeca unit on my Skorpion.

He said all the usual stuff - it was "used", "reconditioned", he needed to "do some work to it", insert some helicoils 'n stuff. I've been here many times before on Ebay - but, given that it was going to cost me mucho beer tokens to solve the problem otherwise (£90 from a Brembo Dealer :shock: ) I paypalled Mister J the princely sum of €52 and waited with my fingers crossed for something I hoped would work reasonably well.

Well, imagine my disgust when THIS appeared, postman attached, at the door of my lowly hovel just 3 days later - and all the way from Germany too!
Brembo.jpg (6.81 KiB) Viewed 1386 times

:shock: :shock: :shock: What's this ... new pins? New Banjo? New through bolts?? Where's all the rust I paid for? Where's the nicely rounded-off hexagons and the artistic scuff markings ........??? :evil:

Nahhh! That's not "used, "reconditioned", "had some some work done to it". That's a new caliper (or very near offer) innit? Disgusting I calls it. I'm going to have to clean the bike to match now!!!!! :-D :smt005

Seriously, thanks Bill! Top piece of kit, and at a stunning price too.

Tell me, how many times are you prepared to get members on here out of the sticky stuff, before you demand their first-born or something similar as repayment? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ;-)
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Re: Buying bits from Bill Jurgenson!!!

Postby basser23 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:44 pm

I agree with you...Bill is top notch..I received a cush drive for my Skorp from him,
Absolutley tops! New.....
Now if we can get him to fab up a few Termi Exhaust replicas for the Skorp.....
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