500r to saxon tour conversion

Vehicles equipped with the 500 cc Rotax engine

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

500r to saxon tour conversion

Postby dafyddcoch » Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:31 pm

hi everyone. i have a 251 sazon tour with low miles and perfect bodywork but siezed lump. i also own a 301 kanuni which has virtually the same bodywork as the 500r (different clocks) and a girlfriend who prefers the look of the saxon tour especially as we have a lovely MZ/Givi luggage system for it. If i swap swingarm, footrests with mountings, brake and clutch levers, bodywork, from the 251 onto my 500 r would i end up with a 500 saxon tour or is this not possible. i can't see any major issues but perhaps someone knows different. the two bikes would make a lovely pair to choose from depending on what mood i:m in lol> Thanks or diolch as we say here in North Wales.
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