Less mess oil changes

Vehicles equipped with the 500 cc Rotax engine

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Less mess oil changes

Postby Trogolodyte » Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:50 am

posted this on another thread but it really belongs here...

One way to avoid pissing oil every where when you undo the bottom banjo bolt on the 500's oils tank/spine frame,
Get a mechanical engineer to do this if you dont have the tools or are not confident enough to do it yourself.
Without taking anything off the bike...
First buy a second bottom oil tank banjo bolt before you next do an oil change, + A short length of either brass or stainless steel pipe (a couple of inches long max but only as wide as the oilway inside the new banjo bolt), a nut that will fit on the pipe once a thread is cut on one end & A small bolt to fit inside the other end of the short pipe, and either silicon sealent, ptfe tape or propper sealing washers.
Drill a hole throung the new banjo bolt head into the oil way inside the bolt and tap a thread into the new hole in the new banjo bolt.
Match a peice of stainless or thick walled brass pipe to new hole on the banjo and a nut of the right thread size( only has to be an inch or two long max, long enough that you can get a plastic pipe onto it ) and cut a thread on one end of the short metal pipe, long enough that you can get the small nut on to it and have enough to screw it into the new banjo, then either wipe silicon sealent on the thread or plumbers Ptfe tape, put the nut onto that end, screw it into the new banjo and tighten. Tap a thread into the inside of the other end of the pipe, for the small bolt, again seal it with silicon or ptfe tape ( or buy a couple of small sealing washers for both ends ) and after sealing, put the small bolt in and tighten.
Now what you should have when your finnished is a banjo bolt with a short pipe or spigot that is blocked with the small bolt. Make sure you clean off ALL traces of swarfe and metal filings from the work peice before attempting to fit it.
if your good you could fit a 1/4" ball valve into the banjo.....

Next time you do an oil change and undo the bottom oil tank banjo bolt & drain it, when its empty replace the old standard banjo bolt with the new one modifyed banjo bolt and keep a length of plastic pipe to go over the spigot in your tool roll. When its time for your next oil change,use a cloth to catch any drips & undo the small bolt in the spigot, put you finger over the hole and push the length of pipeover the open end of the spigot, put the other end in or over you waste oil pan/container and allow it to empty.
et voila, No more large oil change mess all over your engine

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