Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

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Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

Postby J-Ball » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:38 pm

Hi All,
I believe the front rim is 3" and the rear rim is 4", can anyone verify this? I know they are 17". Stock tire size is 110/70/17 front and 150/60/17 rear. I'm looking to fit the largest possible tires safely on these rims. I'm looking for an enduro/dual sport type tire, any good suggestions.

I did find the Continental TKC 80 in a
120 90 17 front.
150 17 17 rear.
Anyone know if these will work on these rims? They're really too aggressive for what I want but the only other option so far is the Avon Distancia. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

Postby J-Ball » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:05 pm

Bump.. :-D Sure would like to know the rim widths. Can anyone confirm the 3" front and 4" rear? Thanks.
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Re: Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:06 pm

I know the rear is definitely a 4". The front is either a 3 or a 3.25. It's not a 3.5, which is generally what you'd run a 120/70 or 120/60 on.
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Re: Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:22 pm

front 3/17
rear 4/17

OEM tire szes 110/70 + 150/60 Sport and 130/80 Tour.
1993 there was lttle to choose from in radial tires in smaller sizes.
OTOH, the prototypes had a 3,5" rearwheel with a 130/70 tire.
Should have left it that way,too, especially the Brembo wheels and brakes the prototypes had.
the largest sizes you can reasonably mount are 120/70 and and 150/70.
According to the manufacturers, both rims are too small for such tires. The 4" rear is too narrow for the OEM 150/60 acording to both Pirelli (incluing Metzeler which belongs to Pirelli) and Bridgestone, the reference rim for a radial 150 is 4,25". Don't know about Avon or Dunlop, both of which which I would not touch with a 10ft pole. Not in radials anyway. I do use Dunlops on my 1954 BSA. Been on there for the last 20 years, too.

By far the best all-round tire is the BT45 (not a radial) in 110/70 and 140/70. Good in the rain, long wearing for a tire that is good inthe rain, relatively neutral, inexpensive...
We even run these on a 1978 racer with 100hp. In the same widths, too.
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Re: Skorpion Tour SM rim width?

Postby J-Ball » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:56 pm

Hey guys thanks for the info. This will deffinitly help me out. It looks like my only real choice (with out getting a new front rim) is the Avon Distancia. I believe their 150/70/17 and 120/70/17 will work. I'm sure you all think I'm crazy for wanting this type of tire on a Tour but it makes sense for the riding conditions I'm in, lots of gravel roads, 1 mile of dirt road from pavement to my house etc. I won't be hitting the motocoss track or wild singltrack I promise you. The Tour lends itself well to this type of riding, just needs a new pair of boots! Thanks guys.

Check this guy who put em on his Ninja, working well for him in a similar riding situation. Saskatchewan!

nj2.jpg (85.83 KiB) Viewed 2058 times
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