Baggy Splutter !!

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Baggy Splutter !!

Postby elcaptain69 » Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:45 am

I've just read Castertroy's post.. cant really help :x but i get a similar problem , i've always had it since i bought the bike (9mths). Its got an aftermarket can on (see pics) I think it looks and sounds awsome (i've done a fair bit to it!) :smt004 The can is a BSM pipe that requires no re-jetting (apparantly) but in every gear at full throttle it gets all choked !!. I've had the plug out to check and it looks sweet.. right colour etc.. not had the carb off coz i'm using it.. I cant find a mixture screw for love nor money!... Any ideas anyone please.
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Re: Baggy Splutter !!

Postby CasterTroy » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:48 am

I FIXED mine by installing a low restriction fuel filter.....thus giving the carbs all the delicious fuel they could handle.

Or at least I THINK that was what MY problem was…..there WAS a little trash in the float bowls and some crud around the screen in the tank pet cock….but in my personal opinion the carbs were starved at wide open throttle and couldn’t get enough fuel.

At hiway speeds you’re always going to get a little odd feeling of inconsistency…that’s just the nature of a big single humming along at high rpms….afterall, that’s a big ass piston shakin in there. But sputtering and brief loss of power is something not working properly.
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Re: Baggy Splutter !!

Postby scholsey » Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:51 pm

elcaptain69 wrote:I've just read Castertroy's post.. cant really help :x but i get a similar problem , i've always had it since i bought the bike (9mths). Its got an aftermarket can on (see pics) I think it looks and sounds awsome (i've done a fair bit to it!) :smt004 The can is a BSM pipe that requires no re-jetting (apparantly) but in every gear at full throttle it gets all choked !!. I've had the plug out to check and it looks sweet.. right colour etc.. not had the carb off coz i'm using it.. I cant find a mixture screw for love nor money!... Any ideas anyone please.

Thats a nice hugger you have on your bike any idea where it came from or what bike it came off ????? ... Andy
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Re: Baggy Splutter !!

Postby elcaptain69 » Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:11 pm

Thanks for the reply Castertroy, I'm gonna strip the carb down this wknd and a good look around, Have you come across a mixture screw ????

Andy... as for the hugger, I fitted it, it was new off ebay actually its for a fireblade... A bit of a pig to fabricate but I knew it would be worth it. If you want anymore info just let me know.

Thanks Guys
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