Jetting on a Baghira

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Jetting on a Baghira

Postby harold » Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:11 pm

My apologies to people like Bill here, who tries to help people, but gets fed up with answering the same questions over and over. I am going to start my jetting of a 2002 Baghira, and am only asking these questions because my searches have found conflicting information.

I am not sure of all the different models, except that the Scorpion is a semi fared street bike that several of you here road race. I think that jetting and teeth sizes might be different than mine. My bike has 1,500 miles, with that much wear on the universal type semi-knobby tires and a loud straight thru D&D exhaust can.
My gearing is a 15 to 45, which I have read is not stock. I can't believe the PO's changed brand new sprockets and chain, and I think that some of the teeth sizes I have read here as being stock were not on a Baghira enduro.

My research has said the stock jets were a 130 and 165 main, with a 48 pilot. I have also read the pilot was a 58, which may have been an input error on their part. I also have read that the pilot screw should be 3-1/2, 5-1/2, and 7-1/2 turns out. My own experience is 6 made a noticeable difference over the 3-1/2 turns I bought it with. I am not worried about this screw since it can be adjusted easily. I have bought a 50 pilot, which was the largest they sold. It is going in, since my experience with any carb is when you have to turn the screw past 4 turns, your pilot is too lean. The people that sell the Teikei jets don't have pilots, but have original Yamaha jets, but only to a 50.

The jetting is the bitch to do on these hard to remove carbs, and I would like to do it only once. Some have said they are lean, and another post claimed they were way to rich. To wheelie in 2nd, and not rev the bitch out of it like on a race track, I think I am looking at only low to mid range jetting, and the mains won't make that much difference. Raising the needles a notch should do something for this RPM range, since they are out of the main jet completely at full throttle.

My questions are, and please reference them if you can answer these questions:

1. Is the stock jetting on my bike the 130, 165, 48?

2. I know the pilot is too lean, and the 50 I bought is going in. What are good sizes for the mains with my setup, leaner or richer? Will changing them make that much difference? I don’t really care about MPG, as I don't ride this that much.

3. Lifting the needles a notch, good or bad for low to mid-range?

4. Drilling the hole larger in the CV diaphram slide, good or bad?

5. Cutting, or as someone mentioned removing, the spring in the CV carb. Good or bad? On a Buell CV carb, your drilled the hole larger, but I have never heard of removing or cutting the spring.

Again, I have searched this forum, but have seen people saying the opposite things, and either they had different bikes- or?
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Re: Jetting on a Baghira

Postby nopantsflyer » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:29 pm

looked on a german website, web ste, MZ makes no distinction between baghira and forest, only between baghira and mastiff, baghira is stock 15/45, mastiff 15/43, michael
attached the technical data, sorry, german language, on page 3, 10 lines down
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Re: Jetting on a Baghira

Postby nopantsflyer » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:07 pm

to 1)
stock is 130/165/48
to 4)
drill hole to MAX 4mm, again per german web site, OFF THE ROAD sells a spacer and assorted hard ware ... stiff.html, spacer allows supposedly for a faster lifting of the secondary carb piston
to 5)
removing the spring on the piston in the sec carb, i could not find any reference, i do not think it is a good idea, since yamaha i am sure had a good reason for it to be there
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Re: Jetting on a Baghira

Postby slammer449 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:27 pm lists a #52 pilot jet for the teikei carb as well as other pilots and main jets. If it surges when you are doing about 70 you need to richen the needle. Alot of the guys who run cans without baffles richen it up one step...2nd position from bottom...Stock position is 3rd..
02 baghira- 74 rd350 piped, ported and podded. .a jetting nightmare
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