Need a master cylinder for my mastiff.
Would this be up to the job I wonder or should I avoid?
Anything would be better than the one one the bike.
Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
jpmsteadi wrote:Brake masters are pretty universal. I would just check your stock one to see if there is a size marking on it and try and get one that is the same. I would recommend a newer used brembo or nissin master, both are great. I imagine a 12.7mm or 13mm would be around the size for a single 4 piston caliper: that is what was on my Skorpion. I went to a 14mm brembo radial master off of a 2015 ducati multstrada and it made a huge difference in brake feel. I don't suggest that for a bike that going to be taken off road: having the integrated reservoir is good for crashes.
jpmsteadi wrote:really just about any master should be pretty much plug and play. I don't know about mirror mounts or the like, but thats about the biggest thing that would be annoying. I would try something like this: ... Sw1PpfUb2b
Or something of the like. 12-14mm axial brake master off something relatively modern, ideally something slightly nicer of a brand too (something like KTM is more likely to have nicer components than a low cost honda or yamaha. I would use the opportunity to upgrade to something really nice like a radial master off of a ducati or the like, but its possible that will make things harder in terms of fitting the remote reservoir or the like.
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