Clutch cover removal with engine on bike, Baghira 660

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Clutch cover removal with engine on bike, Baghira 660

Postby knugen » Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:17 pm

I picked up a 660 Baghira last fall and planned to go on a post-corona vacation in Sweden this summer.

Long story short, the primary gear nut went loose and thus "seized" the engine (which I didn't know of course). I had the engine apart, re-honed the cylinder, installed new piston rings, measured the clutch discs and installed new gaskets.

Now with the engine in place I realized that the clutch lever will only turn a few milimeter when pulled and then stops (I can feels the spring tension before the metallic stop). I figured that this is most likely beacause the discs were incorrectly installed. What really bothers me is that it's impossible to remove the clutch cover (or the magnetic cover for that matter) when the engine is installed into the frame.

Is there a trick to it, or will I have to tear the engine out again?

Cheers from Sweden!
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Re: Clutch cover removal with engine on bike, Baghira 660

Postby DII » Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:01 am

According to my memory, loosen and take away all of the bolts that holds the engine eccept for the one at the rear. Jack up the engine slightly at the front and wiggle the cover off. It's tight between the frame but it can be done. Done it my self. The exhaust needs also to be taken off plus loosen the rear frame so it could mowe a little bit backwards.

För enkelhets skull tar jag det på svenska också. Vad jag minns så Lossade jag och ta bort alla motorbultar men lämnade kvar den bakre som går genom motor och sving och lyfte upp motorn i framkant. Det går att få av kåpan om man vrider och trixar lite. Även bakre avgassystemet får lossas. Vill minnas att jag även tog bort bultar till bakramen så luftburken följer med rörelsen när motorn rör sig bakåt/uppåt.
(Menar du sedan generatorkåpa så går den att ta bort utan att lossa motorn. )
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Re: Clutch cover removal with engine on bike, Baghira 660

Postby knugen » Thu Jul 08, 2021 2:01 am

Ok, I lost my cool and just removed the engine engine... again. :lol: But good to know for next time! Where about in Sweden are you located? Are you happy with the bike otherwise?
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Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:03 pm

Re: Clutch cover removal with engine on bike, Baghira 660

Postby DII » Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:58 am

I live not far from Arvika. Värmland.
Yes, like my Mastiff, slightly tuned (718cc)
Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:12 pm

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