Hi Folks,
I'm working on a track day build of a MZ Skorpion 660. It's getting harder to located these parts everyday. While I was searching for my own TM34-B65 kit, I discovered that a shop in Abilene Kansas called The Vintage Spoke. They had a working link on their website https://www.thevintagespoke.com/shop//Z ... -30230.htm just to confirmed I gave them a call. Chad worked with me over the phone and had no issues ordering this setup. If all goes well, I should have this the SRX600 version of this kit which is referenced here on Kedo's website https://www.kedo.com/products/30230.html
I tried to support local shops and considering this is the carb setup recommended by Bill Jurgenson, I went ahead and picked up the set. Hopefully this will be a plug and play install and I can start tweaking this setup for high performance as many on this site have referenced.
Fingers crossed