Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65


Postby Wonky » Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:50 am

OK i have had so many inquiries regarding a replacement CDI unit for the XT660 engines over the past few months and i feel it is important for you ALL to take onboard what i am about to state, if you wish to listen that is!

Despite what many people will say, including some people that confess to using certain CDI units on their XT660's, i have had one frantic person trying to argue a toss with me over using the TDM CDI units on the XT660 and i have to tell you, THEY DO NOT WORK CORRECTLY AND THEY WILL SHAG YOUR MOTOR!

The 3VD CDI from the TDM850 dosen't have a rev limiter that works once installed on the XT660 and unless you have a race tuned engine with a Carrillo rod and your prepared to spend at least twice a year rebuilding your bike the STAY AWAY!

The 4TX unit is designed for a "V-TWIN" with a 270 degree system. If used on the XT660 you will only use one spark instead of the two that the 4TX uses for it's V-Twin running capability.


We can modify your units for you if you would like us to. This is NOT a ploy to earn money on our part, as i have heard being mentioned thanks to a certain reliable source informing me of accusations going around.
At the end of the day i am a genuine MZ fan and i work at an established and well reknowned MZ Tuning company, bonus for me then.

All the advice i share or help i try to offer is genuine and if it earns the company i work for money then so be it, that's what a business is meant to do, earn money for christ sake, if it didn't then the likes of Martin Sweet or Roy Bridges wouldn't have devoted 30 years of their lives, each, working on bikes and putting back into the bike industry would they?!!!!

I am here as a contact for advice and authenticated advice at that. Not just to get my claws into potential customers. The customers i do have will certainly tell you i do what i say and i help out as much as i am physically and mentally able to. If you wish to deal with me then that's great if not, then that's also great, but please don't pass judgement on me because i work for a company that tunes the engines in bikes that this forum is related to, why the hell else do you think i'm here....because i like Gilera DNA's but want to talk to MZ riders instead!!!DOH!

I'm here to help if i can!

If you want higher revs you will need to upgrade your engine components and we can modify your standard CDI for around £90 all inclusive!

I hope this helps and clears up any concerns!
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Postby whysub01 » Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:11 am

Well put-the advice that the 3VD CDi can be used with the 660 engines has eminated from those that RACE with this CDi and engine.

A couple of rebuilds per year is not too bad if you are racing-on a road bike, this would mean a rebuild every 1000 miles (or less).

I have a 3VD CDi but will NOT be using it when the tuned engine is put in my bike. Looks like I will be sending my CDi to Wonky for re-mapping.
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cdi units

Postby basser23 » Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:38 am

Uh-oh.....Wonky,what you say makes perfect sense to me...I have the TDM CDI in my Skorp,came that way...BUT I dont ever see over 7k anyway...and wont until maybe this spring...I'll have to source out a stock
Thanks for the info..
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Postby DEmark » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:07 pm

A few years back, Galen Miller (the MZ expert on this side of the pond) told me much the same- if you put a CDI box with a higher rev limiter on your bike, and spin your motor up in that new range, the rod WILL fail. I decided not to experiment with the rev limiter after that.
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby simon duval smith » Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:34 pm

Sage advice Wonky. I worked as a bike mechanic, and then restored cars etc, now edit an automotive magazine. In between raced Ford V8s in historic racing in the UK, never forget the advice of a man who told me that a new, tuned, top end on an old bottom will go bang quicker. Yes, the rod came right out the side of the block! Oh, and I had fitted an 8,000 rpm limiter chip in my MSD box on the Mustang!
As for making money out us here on MZRIDERS.COM, come on guys, there are easier ways of making a fortune, I don't think Wonky is in it for that reason!
If I had the money I would tune my Baghira - and I would probably start with someone who talked sense - like Wonky.
Good luck mate.
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Postby Garf » Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:20 pm

Well, as far as I am concerned Wonky is straight up. Yes he might work for one of the (probably THE) best known single cylinder engine specialists in the UK but surely that is a good thing for us since his advice, based on his experiance and no doubt that of his collegues, is offered freely.
He may generate some additional business as a result, which is fair enough because ultimately it saves us time and money by allowing us to make more informed decisions about where / what we should spend our hard earned cash on to improve our bikes......rather than finding out the hard / expensive way :shock: :shock:
At the end of the day you dont have to take the advice.
By the way I have never met the guy although I have dealt with him in recent months both with his Slipstream coat on and privately.......basically did what it said on the tin. Nice fella.
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Postby keithcross » Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:35 pm

Wonky has always seemed pretty straight to me, even to the point of inviting any passers by for tea/coffee and suggesting a camping weekend in his area.
Like others I realise that he works for a shop, that works on bikes like ours, for profit.
I can only say that he has never pushed the busines side of his life onto me.
I dont understand why people have to assume that because you work on a product that you cant be invloved without doing thisngs for money.
I do know where Wonky is comming from as I have been known to carry out a little private work on Goldwings and am the Technical Editor for the Gold Wing Owners Club of Great Britain. I have in the past had similar comments made about me.
To those making the comments, if they have no foundation, then please disist as all that can come of them is the loss of a valuable member of this forum.

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wind it up

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:07 pm

when you wind up the rubber band it is going to pop
after running my rt125 for 9 hours one day at over 9500 rpm
yes guys 9 hours@9500+ i think it is one tuff motor but have no desire to be setting on one when it blows up at 12,000 rpm

so any hop up here will not include higher rpm

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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Postby Randew2U » Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:53 pm

I like reading your posts Wonk, please continue to provide your guidance in here! Can you layour some prices for reprogramming? Thanks
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Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:39 pm

Hugh grins!
Anything that has to do with the timeing and especially high's got to be right...
One of the folks posted a lunched engine (x2) at the small rod end and it begs all sorts of questions.
Broken engines don't just happen.

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Postby Wonky » Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:55 am

Blimey guys i didn't expect a whole ton of posts like the ones i've just read. That's so awesome of you guys to say what you have, thanks.

It's heart-warming to know that people here digest the information that i have taken the time and effort to learn from some of the greatest Motorbike Fanatics/Enthusiast/Mechanics/Engineers/Racers i've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and extremely grateful that i do!
(I used to watch Martin race at Brands Hatch when i was a little tinker way back in 1979...oldskool! Now i work for him....nuts!)

Boy are there some odd people around today. I think most of it comes down to personal agenda! Many people, especially here in the UK, are out to get what they can from society, regardless of morals and principle. If it makes them money or they get free stuff then they are like pigs in shit! If anyone or anything may jeapordise what they have then they get their backs up and stir the pot, if you get my meaning?!, some even go as far as "ganging" up on people and throwing their weight around in numbers, sad! :(

I can understand people wanting to protect what they have, and rightly so, but if it's dishonest and misleading then why the hell try to protect/defend it? At the end of the day being able to listen to people and understand what's being said is ALL you have to do, nothing more, nothing less. If you choose to take on-board the information and you feel it's genuine enough or the reputation of the source of the information is justifiable enough for you then great, if not then leave it alone. On the other hand if your an absolute legend and ya really know your stuff then please share, i still have so much to learn and not enough time to digest it all.

For me it's about learning skills from guys that are worth their weight in gold, people that have devoted their lives to racing, people that live and breathe it and don't just "talk" a good race or engine build. I need to digest all the information i can and hopefully pass it onto the generation after me. These guys won't be around forever and the skills they have go with them, it's very sad! In this day and age it breaks my heart to see all these kids with absolutely no serious skills or ability to want to learn, they all wanna be "gangsters", bad ass people that have a "reputation", ya know what, a very very wise man once told me "...people like that will only end up one way...!", so true, but very sad. There are some of us on this planet that are passionate enough to devote most of their lives to what they love, my devotion has been to two wheels and in many different forms. I am very fortunate to have the chance to work where i do and i value that immensley. I've had enough shit in my life and struggled enough to know a good opportunity when it comes my way, i'm here to stay for as long as i can. I finished with being a messed up teenager, a lost young man in my twenties, i am now 30 and i have responsibilities, one is to an industry that has given me so much in my life and it deserves my respect, as do my customers, my friends and my family! It gets my blood boiling when idiots get involved just to cause grief. I've been fucked over enough in my life and yeh i've done some bad shit in my past but what matters is what you do now, the lessons you learn are what we should value.

I'm just a normal guy that loves bikes and is fortunate to work for a guy that's a legend in his own right, some may call me a lucky bastard, the people that know me will tell you i've worked damn hard to get where i am, and if anyone thinks they're gonna step in my way and take the piss out of my friends then think again. I will stand up for what i believe in and defend those who will defend me. Jeez, i only come in here to talk to fellow MZ owners and bikers in general, like-minded people, i'd like to think! The reason i don't really go onto Visordown any more is exactly for the same reason i started this damn post!

Anyway i'm going waaaaaaay too much into this, but seriously your comments are very kind adn it means a great deal to all of us here. We are trying to make a living and offer those that need help or advice a welcoming hand, it looks to me like that's exactly how most of you have taken it and that's just too damn cool for school!


Oh yeh that reminds me, we MUST sort out a UK MZ meet for next year! I'll try and sort a location out where we can all meet for a camping session and food,etc! It'll kick ass and bring the family back in all of us.....and the hangovers!LOL! :-D

Laters guys....
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Postby DEmark » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:53 am

<<<<<One of the folks posted a lunched engine (x2) at the small rod end and it begs all sorts of questions.>>>>>

Fire away with your questions. I am here to share my experiences.

BTW, Wonky, I have found your posts most informative, and I appreciate you takng the time to share your knowledge with us.

2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby DEmark » Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:21 am

This is what small end rod failure loks like, has anyone else experienced this?
Notice the "two piece" wristpin on the table
MZ parts 019.jpg
MZ parts 019.jpg (139.77 KiB) Viewed 7254 times
MZ parts 018.jpg
MZ parts 018.jpg (135.8 KiB) Viewed 7253 times
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby Wonky » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:56 am

Ouch! Nasty... :shock:
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Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:54 am

I've also got an '01 Baghira with the same mi. showing. It wasn't till this last summer that I finally got my greasey hands on it, WOW, these things are fun!
It's the first single of this type that I've owned and figure that I have to make it last, I'm not rich...
At this time an M4 is on it and soon intend carbs and stay on the outside of the engine. Been gleaning lots of information from this forum with the idea that the bike is a work in progress. I'd hope over it's life to identify points in time/or mi. that changes would be wise to make.
I figured, maybe, at around 20,000mi. I'd start to think of a bigger piston, rod, and other assorted parts, leaving some room again for another build in about the same mi.
The point to my thoughts. To be as wise as I can with the undercurrent that I'm not raceing it.
You posted pictures of the damage and I'm interested in the cause of the failure you determined and wonder why with such difference in the mileage of the two bikes.
I'm inteested in your thoughts with the current MZ you own.
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