WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

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WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby poppanitrous » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:04 am

I can pay using PAYPAL instantly, i need aftermarket or stock dual carb set up or single conversion and also a full exhaust stock or M2 aftermarket exhaust.
Please contact me at:


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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Anders » Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:04 am

Have you tried ebay.co.uk or ebay.de?
Carbs from XTZ/SZR/MuZ/MZ 660 are avaliable "en masse" at good prices.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby droy » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:48 pm

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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby poppanitrous » Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:45 pm

Hello everyone, can someone please just send me a link, i used a yamaha XTC manual to adjust valves, i know its similiar but is the intake the same as well?

Send me a link for a duel carb set up that will fit my MZ skorpion tour PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Also i need a full header 2-into-1

i can get a slip on but i need the full header, i thought this was an MZ forum.
let the MZ gods show me a link, i will send pics and video of it running and riding, all i need is carbs, and exhaust.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:32 am

same as XTZ or SZR;
intake .10mm cold
exhaust .15mm cold

the long and short of it:
Mikuni Raptor 660 or 700 kit TM34-B65 fits plug and play as far as the engine is concerned. You need an additional right side airbox hose and have to enlarge the hole on the left side of the airbox to take this hose. That is all there is to it.
There are no alternatives that are anything even near plug and play.

as for exhaust. There is nothing, period!
The only larger 2-1 headers that were EVER available for the Skorpion were those of the REMUS Cup system, which was an OEM part in Holland and Belgium.
The Termignoni Cup system for the SZR does NOT fit.
Any other systems you may have seen online, including mine, are/were all homemade or custom built.
There is nothing to be had.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Anders » Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:50 am

it is possible to squeeze a couple of K&N pod type filters between the carbs and airbox if You choose the Mikuni TM34-B65 route.
One of many threads on that subject: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3536

If you want stock carbs (or stock headers) your best bet is to get them off Ebay, http://www.ebay.co.uk or http://www.ebay.de The UK and German market did get XTZ, SZR and MuZ in failrly high numbers so there are a lot of used stuff floating around.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby droy » Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:06 am


I thought I saw some posts from the German forum of folks trying to use modified TDM headers. How did that work out?

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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby basser23 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:46 pm

Hi there,
I found a site www.off-the-road.de that carries stuff for the xt660/xtz660.They have a 2-1 header(race header) that they say does fit the xtz 660 motor.
They were not sure if it fit the Skorpion though....looks like it will.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Anders » Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:40 pm

Be aware that the XT660 is the all new 4-valve engine and it's not the same as the older 660cc 5-valves used in the XTZ/SZR/MuZ bikes. The header for the XTZ is a dirt bike style header with a completely diffrent routing than the Skorpion.

Also the XT-660 Z Tenere (4-valve) is not to be confused with the XTZ660 (5-valve) Tenere
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby basser23 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:03 pm

I had contacted them about this,and the reply was that the exhaust header fits the 5 valve head,alsoo if you check the site you will find a 2-1 that routes like the Skorpion.
Cant say for certain that it works....
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:12 am

both the TDM and the XT660R headers will work but those are 2-2 headers that require quite a bit of reworking (tube bending, welding) to get to a 2-1 and the 2-2 both foul up on the side stand.
The home-made 2-1 I referred to was like this; similar but of larger Ø that the original and, above all, routed under the bike so it could not possibly ground. the centerstand must beromved along with its right bracket for this. The Cup has no center stand.
my racer in its first form.

my street bike until I rebuilt it for a friend as a track bike. It has the REMUS system
Like my own, this has 32mmID (OEM=28mmID) headers leading into a much larger collector. It is also longer than the OEM system. 100 of these were made; they do occasionally pop up on eBay in Holland and Germany. Remus has two standard cans that fit, a refractor(civilized) and an absorber(loud). I had both, one for MOT and one for real-life.
BTW, this bike has dual TM38 with open stacks, a one-off aluminum seatframe (black anodized), Marvic mag wheels and ...

XTZ headers will also work as will probably those for the Baggi but these are scrambler-type headers and it is a VERY CLOSE fit.
I have a SRX/TT cylinder and head on my XTZ bottom end in my own Skorpion:
Skorpion SP.jpg

You can see the 35mm headers from Devil in France (well done, all slipon joints with springs) and the matching LeoVince can also for the TT. Believe it or not, this stuff fit out of the box just as you see it!

BTW, the Gilles rearsets are officially available (from any dealer or from GIlles or from me) for the Skorpion (my doing): AS31-MZ01R; they are plug and play.

I needed only to make a decent bracket for the can.

I am reasonably sure that the XTZ/BAGGI stuff will also work like this BUT they will not clear the radiator in the original position. Mine is aircooled.
BEWARE: the TT/XT/SRX stuff will not work with the watercooled engine because the placement and included angle of the ports are very different.

For those interested and while it is part of this thread, I am running a Mikuni TM40 with the Grizzly branched manifold:

I also neglected to mention the BikeWorx TM42 manifold kit which is or rather was plug and play; AFAIK he is no longer offering it and we bought all 5 manifolds he still had on stock (no, they are not for sale). Not exactly cheap up front but probably most economical in the long run:
It came complete with carb, battery box, K&N filter and twistgrip cable. Obviously, the airbox had to be removed.
I used this setup both on the road and track.

here is a friend's Skorpion with that BikeWorx (one of the 5) manifold and a TM40 with K&N. I gutted the OEM airbox, leaving the side to hide the setup and the battery carrier intact. He als has one of my sets of TZR 125 wheels (3,0' and 3,5" Brembos) with a 130/70 rear tire(like me) and he has German MOT for all of it!
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Anders » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:48 am


would you still be able to fit the XTZ header if you had the stock radiator and airbox ?

As you said, it looks to be a very tight fit indeed if at all possible.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:19 pm

no in both cases. I wrote above that the scrambler headers will clear the radiator as it is.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby poppanitrous » Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:32 pm

Well i still have not got my 2002 mz skorpion header or twin carb set up yet.
i cannot believe there is not 1 person on here with an szr660 part number so i can just get it from yamaha,the xt660 and xt in general seems to be too much of a bitch to work with and i work 65hrs a week and i ride motocross im inmy late 30's and i dont have the energy anymore to be using a torch to bend and weld shit.

come on guys!!!!!!!!!! you call this a forum, granted the mikuni system is bad as, yadda yadda, listen i dont want to do all that work and spend $900 on a single carb.

So i will ask just twon questions and the only response i want is a yes or no, so we wont have random pics of bikes with $3k in mods that do not help me with anything.

questions 1 and 2.

#1) will the yamaha szr carb part number Y26PV-3J teikei twin carb work on my 2002 mz skorpion as a direct replacement using stock airbox and intake..yes or NO

#2) will the stock OEM szr 660 exhaust header fit the 2002 mz skorpion?

Option question for the ZEUS-GOD of WAR of this forum to answer

#3) can anyone just please give me a f.....g YAMAHA part number for an exhaust that will fit a 2002 mz skorpion, i dont need the history of th xt vs-the raptor and modifying this or that.......YAMAHA part number for the exhaust systen that will fit a 2002 mz skorpion..PLEASE

thank you in advance, and let the flaming begin.
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Re: WANTED: mz skorpion full exhaust and carbs

Postby basser23 » Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:32 am

question 1 The carbs on the SZR are the same as Muz Skorpion..to my knowwledge. Go to e-bay uk or de.
question 2. Maybe,not 100% sure,but most likely....again go to ebay uk or de.
Like Bill said,nothing is available . you may have to fabricate....or go to offtheroad.de for the xt race header...
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