Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby dthemic » Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:04 pm

Hi Ed
Got the same thing on my '01 Skorp. I have left it alone. I only had one ocassion that I noticed it do anything. I was putting it up for the winter. Had just drained the tank and removed the float bowl drain screw, drained the carb and replaced the screw. Then for some reason I turned the ingition on, maybe to check lights or something. Anyway as I turned on the ignition that little bugger made a little humming noise for a second or two and spit a small amount of fuel all over by basement floor. I"m guessing it is some type of priming pump? I have seen some Skorps with carbon canisters. Mine has the remnents of what may have been an installed cannister. What ever you do don't take my word for it. By the way it never did it again even when I tried to duplicate the occurance. I'll wager someone has the definative answer.
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:39 pm

hay dave i will be at 4 winds rally again this year hope to see you if you can make it

and i can get a look at the mystery part my 97 traveller doen not have it or its in a different location
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby edec » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:34 pm

You know the reason I started to pay attention to this :?: part was because I noticed gas on the floor, as well as on the engine since the hose had a hole in it. I'll probably go ahead and replace the hose though I might have to drop the exhaust to get my hands on the "T" connector. Mine also came with the charcoal canister which I removed.
Thanks for sharing- Ed
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:43 pm

hope you saved the can may need it later for inspection and may be hard to find one
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby edec » Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:26 pm

Yes I did save the canister just in case. My Guzzi came with 2 of them which hang on my garage wall.
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:29 am

i have been saying it for years if you take off the smog stuff save the parts and make a drawing and or good pictures
of how it goes .....
so later the inspector say put it back you have it
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby lcrken » Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:57 pm

I just bought a 2005 Baghira yesterday, and while looking over the bike I noticed the same gadget, and wondered what it was. On mine, the hose is only a couple inches long, and goes nowhere. Did you guys ever figure out what the device really is?

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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby edec » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:29 pm

Icrken, Congrats on your new bike, I think you'll be very happy with it. Unfortunately it's become a cold case, I haven't learned anything new. What's funny is I was initially embarrassed to post the question (I'm mechanically challenged) thinking that it was an obvious component of the bike. Maybe now that the question has reappeared someone might solve the mystery!
Post some pics of your bike if you can to share with us,
Ed :)
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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby lcrken » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:44 pm

Thanks, Ed. Maybe we'll get an answer, maybe not. I posted some pictures of the Baggie, as well as my MZ Saxon Tour with 663 cc Rotax and various mods, in the members pictures gallery.

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Re: Need help identifying part on 2001 Baghira

Postby lcrken » Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:30 pm

I was just looking at the Baggie parts list, and among the electrical stuff I found a part that looks like the device we're discussing. It's called a "ventilation valve", and is listed for all USA Baghira and Mastiff models. It's also shown in the "GAS TANK VENTILATION USA" drawing. There are two hoses from the carbs that run into a tee and then to the valve. The other side of the valve just dumps to an open hose. Still not sure what it does, but it has to have something to do with reducing gas evaporation into the atmosphere. It's already disconnected on mine, so I think I'll take it off and put it in the MZ parts box. The drawing also shows a carbon filter as part of the system, which seems to be missing on my bike. It's been through several owners since it was new, and someone appears to have removed the emissions gear. I'll have to check out the bike in more detail, and see whether any of the other ventilation parts (hoses, mostly) are there.

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