Stripping Baghira Speedo.

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Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby Epirb » Sun May 04, 2008 2:23 pm

Hi all, I have non functioning speedo on a Baghira SM, as described elswhere on these forums.

I want to get the Bu**er apart but can't make sense of the pdf's I have downloaded.

I reckon I need to replace the cable but can't get the assenbly stipped down to see what I have got.

Assuming that I get this photo to upload, can you guys help with the bits I have before me?


A, A roll pin, is this the key to anything?
B, Knurled brass knob, stuck solid, should it move?
C, Ferrule, is this part of the speedo cable or is this where it breaks?
D,Speedo cable, question as C.

Hope this not sound too mad, thanks for reading!

Brgds, Epirb.
Last edited by Epirb on Mon May 05, 2008 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby el-mar » Sun May 04, 2008 2:48 pm

my speedo doesn't work either but on the backroads it doesn't really matter.

had the same problem as you and didn't really solve it yet however I think C is stuck (rusted in). Leave B and A alone. I don't thiink it has anything to do with changing the cable. I was told WD40 and wiggling should help .... but my C broke away :roll:
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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun May 04, 2008 5:26 pm

yuk i just love the effects of the use of a pressure washer
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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby Epirb » Mon May 05, 2008 2:58 am

I never used a pressure washer.......?

The gunk around the cable is from a lage dose of WD 40 in to the top of the cable last week, my hope was that that would solve the problem.

Cheers, Epirb.
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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby Epirb » Tue May 06, 2008 1:55 pm

Right I can confirm that wiggling and prising 'C' away allows the square end of the 'spring' cable to come out.

Now I have a whole world of other problems! I have sprayed and cleamd and worked to free the turning mechanism in the wheel but that has not freed, so I am back at square one with the front wheel to take apart and no idea whats in the speedo hub.

Also I put a drill on the wheel end of the cable and spun it up. The speedo needle didn't register anything so I guess there is a problem there too.

Anyone any experience of these problems or any idea where I might do some research?

I am minded to order another cable and replace that on spec, any other parts I should order whilst I'm at it?

Hope I can find some answers, Many thanks,

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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby Stuart109 » Wed May 07, 2008 10:42 am

Not certain on the Baghira but I suspect the speedo drive is not part of the hub but a separate part that engages with the hub when the wheel is tightened on the axel. If you slip the axel out the drive may well come away. This should enable you to get at the back of it which might help you clean it or get it apart. (It’s certainly like that on my Kawasaki)

The cable at the speedo end goes into a square drive in the speedo. It is held in place through pressure at the wheel/drive end of the cable. Your attempts to dislodge the cable from the drive have probably pulled it out from the speedo. I suspect a new cable (once you have freed off the dive) will solve that problem.

Will check my speedo drive tonight to check out my theory

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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby rodge70 » Wed May 07, 2008 3:52 pm

just had a look at my cable that my bike came with,seems to be same at both ends as far as size of smaller squared bit goes,and in your pic C should pull out of B.probably easier to drop front wheel out and that way you have the speedo drive and cable on the bench. i think C is part of the inner drive cable and you will find the same set up at the speedo head as well,which as i said is the same shape,take the speedo head off so you can see what i'm on about.
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Re: Stripping Baghira Speedo.

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed May 07, 2008 6:37 pm


I can confirm that "c" pulls out of "b" and it is easier if you take out the axle looks like you will need a new cable and quite possibly a new drive to fit on the axle. alternaitively have a chat to rodge and he will point yo in the right direction to fit a tail tech digital speedo whic will give you many more functions than the original sppedo will give yo Rev counter engine temp etc.

Hope this helps

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If anyone is interested.......

Postby Epirb » Mon May 12, 2008 3:17 pm

First the not so obvious but easy to solve....The speedo cable works the speedo perfectly well but only if you run the drill ANTICLOCkWISE! Doh! Was cross when someone pointed that out!

Dropped the front wheel off, and removed speedo hub. Whole thing was full of rusty gunk and crp! Cleaned it all up and found assembly is made of three bits, the housing, a worm drive and a plastic drive cog (red). Because the unit had filled up with gunge the worm drive stopped turning and the plastic cog had stripped all its teeth.

Grahams motorcycles couldn't supply just the cog so have had to buy the whole unit (£25-00) and I replaced the speedo cable too (20-00) have greased the lot up and hope it won't get that mankey again too quickly.

Thanks to the guys with advice and hope that maybe this will be useful info for someone!

All the best, Epirb.
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