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HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:57 pm
by frederickflintstone
HELP! what is this, and where did it come from? it fell off the front of my 02 baghira and I can figure out where it came from. I ran out of daylight to do a thorough look, and can look more tomorrow, but I thought someone might know.
button.JPG (34.38 KiB) Viewed 5557 times

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:04 pm
by Bill Jurgenson
whatever it is, the nut is missing as well. Since it has no gripable head, the threadless shaft probably cinches tight into its hole.

What size is it? M8?
laying it next to a quarter doesn't say s--- to the rest of the world.

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:07 am
by frederickflintstone
I think it is an m8 but I didnt measure it, sorry. It used to be that everyone loved US money, my guess is a quarter is about 30mm in dia. 35 years of being exposed to the metric system and we americans still thumb our noses at it. personaly I think traveling at 300 kilometers per hour sounds better than 186 mph!

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:13 am
by handsomejackuk
this is a bolt from the ignition key. It is designed to break off when put on and leave a head that cannot be removed. Check your ignition switch under your yoke, and you will find that on or more of the bolts are gone. Also have you noticed that the steering lock is more dificult to put on this is the cause. Get a replacment alen key type, then you can remove it yourself. Problem is anyone else can to and steal your bike

hope this helps.


Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:44 pm
by Nils D
On the Skorpion, the bolt to the ignition-lock has a head formed as a "normal" screw, but it can only be tightend, if you try to untighten it the screwdriver will slip.

The lock for the saddle uses two bolts with break-heads, but they are smaller, M5 or M6.


Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:40 pm
by aah5
Sure looks like the bolt from the ignition switch assy. yours came out easily,(fell out) had to take top yoke off and drill mine out when I replaced my switch.New switch assy comes with bolts that the heads shear when torqued up.relaced mine with standard socket head, awful hard to get up there with tool to remove switch when all together.

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:23 pm
by frederickflintstone
thanks for the imput guys, I didnt get a chance to look tonight. I think I will cut a slot in the head and use a straight screwdriver to put it back. I will put a dab of locktight on it for goood measure. thanks again.

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:09 am
by Bill Jurgenson
from the looks and size, you're probably right.
Strange, tho, that it should fall off of its own. On the Skorpion, it is glued in with Locktite and together with the head described above, it is impossible to remove. The ones in the Skorpion are also hardened. I have alwas had to resort to milling the heads off once the triple-tree was removed and then turning the stubs out with a pliers.

re quarters
I am well aware of what the quarter looks like and might if I looked hard enuf, even find one. They are roughly as large as the old D-Mark coin for which I would have to look as well.

I personally have no problems with inches and feet and use them in my work myself as well as the metric system. We used the metric system in high school physics in Pontiac in 1962.
OTOH, 2 hundred years after its introduction in Napoleonic Europe, people in Germany (or as least in south Germany) at least still buy stuff by the pound or half pound. A metric pound, which was a condescension to the peons, is 500 grams or slightly more than the US lb which is 454 grams. So I get a lb of meat from the butcher, a 10 lb bag of flour or 1/4lb of butter (called just quarter). It is very possible that at the market or on the butcher's front window today's offers are listed as €/lb and they use an antiquated symbol for this:
I buy glue in a hundred weight bag from the manufacturer: hundred weight (Zentner=100lb or 50 kgs.) Cement is sold in 50kg bags as well and one demands a hundred weight.
We buy whiskey etc in bottles called a fifth, 1/5 of a gallon, a traditional size for alcoholic content. Same here: all but the most inexpensive wines are sold in 0.7 ltr bottles. Originally 0,75 = 5x0,75 =3,75 and 3,79 ltrs = 1 US gallon = 1 Queen Anne wine gallon. The Imperial gallon is newer and was a feeble attempt to go 10 base or metric-like. A fifth is not 1/5 of an Imperial gallon. Two reasons for the change from 0,75 to 0,7 today: the buying public didn't notice the change so the actually higher price was accepted and offical, 0,7 is 10 base while 0,75 is the fraction 3/4 and everything is supposed to be 10 base.

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:00 am
by handsomejackuk
yay, seems like i was right. :lol:

next question please......... :smt041 :smt041 :smt041


Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:04 am
by Nils D
Picture of the two lock-bolts on the Skorpion, a break-bolt for the saddle-lock and the hardened bolt for the ignition lock:

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:18 pm
by handsomejackuk
nice pics


Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:04 pm
by frederickflintstone
handsomejackuk wrote:nice pics


yeah but wheres the quarter? haha.

Re: HELP! what is this part, and where did it fall off from?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:04 am
by iceman
I had mine back out on my falco and i noticed how loose the ignition was when getting fuel and it,s only held in with the one or at least mine was and i hate to think of what could have happened had the ignition fell down into the front forks at speed.

Even though you don't feel the vibration that much for a single,i think the bike itself does.Same goes for twins but i wouldn't have it any other way.