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engine cutting out

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:13 am
by rodge70
any one know why my baghira occasionaly cuts out,not often enough to warrant a trip to grahams,i feel the quality of the side stand switch could be better and wondering if that has been known to cause problems as only happens when driving,thought it may be my heel catching the stand slightly but don't seem aware of that though,cheers

Re: engine cutting out

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:41 am
bad contacts in relay 19
jump red /white to red/black to bypass relay
or ground lug where green wire hooks to turn relay on and bypass sidestand
on my rt125 the kill switch at the right grip has been a pain of late...

Re: engine cutting out

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:58 pm
by rodge70
thanks dave,will have a look at that later,spent the afternoon giving the bike a good clean and light polish to exhaust,as it looked a bit dull :D
forgot to mention,used some cleaning strips i use for plumbing to clean the pipes,took about 15mins to go from brown to shiny,made by rothenberger,plumb shops and diy stores,very quick and smooth plus they wrap round pipe so you just push pull then you could metal polish to finish,will try to post a pic

Re: engine cutting out

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:38 pm
by handsomejackuk

sidestand switch is pretty pants, also the engine cutout switch is pretty crap too. personally I never use the engine cut out switch as ihad trouble with it before when my local mz dealer switched it off on it took me ages get it started again. As for the sidestand switch, personally i never had a problem with it but if there was something better i would use it looks like a cheapo microswitch from RS components..

keep on polishing those pipes they will get better....

cheers Al.

Re: engine cutting out

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:37 am
by rodge70
before and after pics,took about 15mins to get this far and i suppose if i took the pipes off and a bit more elbow grease will remove all the fine marks and then polish up :D
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Re: engine cutting out

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:11 am
by silectric
I had a cutting out problem on a Skorpion some time back. Not sure how similar the wiring is but it also showed as erratic indicators. It was solved by checking the wiring down to the prop stand cut out switch and the neutral switch. Never found a fault but handling the loom and disconnecting the prop stand switch did the trick. The prop stand switch had started plying up some time before the cut out fault appeared.

It was all very weird but has been fine for well over a year now.