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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:36 pm
by mad hatter
Hey guys
Going into the CDI are 2 sets of plug housings with 3 wires connections per housing one unit is larger than the other
Please can someone tell me the colour sequence for instance looking at the cdi unit from the left hand side of the bike the housing press release will be facing you , the large unit first front then back and so on
Long and and embarassing story how they got mixed up.PS bike is mz baghira 2001


PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:01 pm
Viewed from the left side, the upper (white) connector
The center wire (closest to the clip) outside is Blue/Yellow
The lower inside is Brown
The lower outside (under the Blue/Yellow) is Green/White

The lower (Black) connector
The upper inside is Brown
The upper outside are two Red/White
The lower outside is Green/Black

Would take a picture but don't know how (yet) to get a picture from the desk top into a post.
Hope this helps...


PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:03 am
by Bill Jurgenson
here is are the pins named for what they are:
Denso box.jpg
Denso box.jpg (120.36 KiB) Viewed 2111 times

no colors, just what the wires actually are.
This is the same for all three possible boxes.
For the Skorpion, the harness is like this:
CDI.jpg (103.28 KiB) Viewed 2110 times

from the bottom up, which is how you requested:
C- blue/yellow
D- gree/white
G- brown
a- red/white
F- black/yellow- coil and green/red tach
B- brown
The Baggi is the same except for F, the wire going to the minus pin of the coil.
Like later Skorpions, and the SZR, the Baggi may have a separate pin on the box for the tach, noted at the top.
CDI Boxes.jpg
CDI Boxes.jpg (61.5 KiB) Viewed 2105 times

The middle one with the orange label has the separate pin for the tach.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:38 am
by mad hatter
Thanks Guys
It is such a relief to be able to count on someone from this site to be willing and able to help out.
Without a picture or diagram communication is tested to the max and can be confusing , i guess that is way sailors use terms like port ,starboard ,aft etc
To keep each side constant no matter wich way your'e facing.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:24 am
If you'd be comfortable giving me your email address through a private message I'd be happy to return a picture or two of the CDI on my Baghira.
That is if a picture would be helpful...