Equivalent Yamaha motor to a '96 Skorpion Sport?

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Equivalent Yamaha motor to a '96 Skorpion Sport?

Postby pwillikers » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:43 am

What's the Yamaha US model and year of their machine that has the engine that was used in the '96 Skorpion Sport? I know it's the SZR elsewhere than the US but don't know if there's an equivalent here in the US. I need to order some engine parts, gaskets, o-rings etc. Thanks.
'96 MZ Skorpion Sport - track bike extraordinaire
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Re: Equivalent Yamaha motor to a '96 Skorpion Sport?

Postby GordonH » Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:25 am

Used upper end parts from 2001 Yamaha Raptor four wheeler to have the top end rebuilt last fall. Most parts on the engine are the same. Someone with more engine building experience will probably chime in.

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Re: Equivalent Yamaha motor to a '96 Skorpion Sport?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:19 am

There is no equivalent on the US market.

The 5-valve Raptor 660 top end is the same and the entire engine will fit as well, but the bottom end is different so not a source for parts. The SZR engine, made in Italy by Minarelli like several other Yamaha engines and other brands as well, is not identical in every respect. All the parts do fit, however. Doesn't matter since they weren't imported, either.
Check the archives here for lots of examples of what fits from which model Yamaha or ask specifically.
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