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Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:31 pm
by Linegeist
I don't want to demonstrate to any grannies present the art of egg-sucking - but I had one of our select little band send me a pair of very-nice-but-seized Tarozzi bar clamps yesterday to split for him.

The package arrived this morning and the 'seized' clamps came apart in less than 5 minutes - and made me realise that, like many things to do with spanner-bashing, it's all down to technique.

It's not even skill - a monkey can't operate a zipper .... until it's shown how, then you can't keep the beggar out! I was lucky in growing up around bikers back in the 'sixties, who showed me all sorts of clever stuff ....... and then I became an engineer. :shock:

So, I've updated my Skorpion braindump site to include a Tarozzi 'how-to' -


Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:17 pm
by Old Dog
Hey Bob, I always understood it to be Parozzi??

Old Dog

Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:22 pm
by Linegeist
No sir. It's Paolo Tarozzi.

Honest! :wink:

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Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:53 pm
by crashmctavish
A blowtorch is safer !

Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:54 am
by Linegeist
crashmctavish wrote:A blowtorch is safer !

Cripes! A blowtorch is safer than tapping with a small hammer??????

Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:49 am
by Old Dog
You are indeed correct - my apologies.

Old Dog

Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:24 am
by Linegeist
Old Dog wrote:You are indeed correct - my apologies.

Old Dog

It sent me scuttling out my workshop to check though! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink:

Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:11 pm
by Old Dog
I was in the workshop today myself, having stripped the forks out and changed the springs and the tyres the front caliper decides on refitting to go from lovely to spongy crap. Turned out that instead of four pots I had only two after much cleaning and coaxing I got three, then after warming it gently and more coaxing and cleaning, having just about given up hope I got four. I have some wurths paste coming tomorrow so the caliper can wait till then before I refit.

Old Dog.

PS I must have mentioned it before, I am off to the TT this year and if you fancied meeting up for a coffee on the Friday before the Saturday we sail it would be great. I will probably go up via Dolgellau and Bala to Liverpool if your interested Bob


Re: Tarozzi Clamp Splitting - How to do it.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:57 pm
by Linegeist
Old Dog wrote:PS I must have mentioned it before, I am off to the TT this year and if you fancied meeting up for a coffee on the Friday before the Saturday we sail it would be great. I will probably go up via Dolgellau and Bala to Liverpool if your interested Bob


If you did it slipped, unannounced, through the increasingly porous sieve that passes for my memory nowadays. :cry:

However, the idea sounds good to me guv'nor. Dolgellau ('doll-geth-loy' would you believe) is well within reach for me - It'd be my pleasure to stand you lunch. :wink:

You'll forgive me if I arrive in a car ............... :? Could you give me a date so I can shove it into my computer's day planner? If I don't ring fence it now, somebody's server's bound to crash and deprive me of my liberty yet again.............. (the joys of self employment....... :roll: ) :wink:
