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Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:04 pm
by Pedros_Panther
Hey Guys,
I was just in an accident with a deer yesterday on my black panther in rural Wisconsin :evil: . I smashed up the plastics pretty bad and almost snapped the bars off the triple clamp in addition to a mashed brake lever and numerous scrapes. It looks like there is no serious structural damage at this point but I haven't been able to look at it closely yet....I've seen better days myself :cry: . I really need new side plastics(at least a left front fairing and a right rear panel). If anyone has any ideas for these parts please let me know as soon as possible.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support,

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 8:12 am
posted many times

parts supplier in england with parts books on line and shipping world wide
5 to 10 days to usa if the have it in stock payment options shown on site
dave t
shopping around does not work with these bikes just keeps bike in work shop longer
bite the bullet pay the money and fix it
search word graygray brings up this post

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:57 am
by Pedros_Panther
Thanks Dave, I've already contacted Grahams and am awaiting there reply on prices (do they list prices on the website anywhere?). Anyways, I was hoping there was a closer supplier or maybe someone on here who miraculously had a spare set of plastics :roll: . My current plan is to get the acerbis supermoto front fender (and rad guards), renthal fatbars, eventually new hand levers (they are scraped up but luckily not broken), maybe make a new rear brake pedal, etc..... :?

Thanks again,

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:12 pm
by mr-brightside
there is a link on grahams website for all the part numbers and a seperate link for all prices
but when i have tried to look at the price link i just get a blank page ?
but i have not tried that hard as they are only 1 mile up the road from me . but if the radiator sheilds are much money i dont think i would bother with them as i think the baghira looks just as good without them 8)

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:03 pm
by AtomicSpew
Sorry to hear about the crash, Pete. Also sorry, but I'm hoarding all the extra plastics I have (you'll find out why when you get your price quote)! Acerbis front Sumo fender works fine, but it'll look a little stunted compared to the big MZ version that fits the look of the side panels better. Nonetheless, it's a helluva lot less expensive than an OEM part. Crash guards and the like are a great idea, but do some research for posts here on the site--with all our switch gear and such, some fit better than others. I have Powermadd guards with wrap-around protection and love them, but they're a very tight fit. If you lost any blinkers in the mix-up, take a look at Buell blinkers--they're shorter and have more flexible stalks than our MZ oem stuff...

Good luck!

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:27 am
by Stuart109
German ebay is a good source of used parts for the Baggi.

Re: Motorcycle/Deer Accident...please help!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:27 pm
by Pedros_Panther
finally got the bike back on the road after two weeks of slaving away over it. I ended up piecing the plastics back together with fiberglass and bondo, but they work for now and that's all that matters. I just flipped around what was left of the front fender and bolted it back on, I have to say it looks pretty good. Had to fix an outlet on the left radiator that got jammed into the engine case, put new h-bars on, mounted the headlight and instruments to the forks (the old bracket was all bent up). A few other repairs here and there and we're back on the road! :smt041
I'll attach a pic...or try. Haven't attached to one of these posts before.

MZ 006_small.jpg
Back on the road two weeks after hitting a deer. This picture was taken at Wildcat Mtn. State Park, Wisconsin USA.
MZ 006_small.jpg (714.86 KiB) Viewed 2032 times