Wet Skorpion Tour...

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby billr » Thu May 13, 2010 4:47 pm

My home was in the recent flooding here in Nashville, TN.
All the family is safe and well.

However, my Tour sat under 6 feet of water for almost 36 hours.
The wiring harness is gone, lots of corrosion on several plugs and you can see it going back up the wire.
I haven't gone into the engine yet, just pulled the airbox and exhaust. Both had water in them. No sediment in either the intake boots or the exhaust ports.

Anyone ever dried one out that was this wet?
Source for the wiring harness or a diagram? Take a while, but I could rebuild that.

Anybody in the USA need a parts bike?? :D

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Re: Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby Taipan » Fri May 14, 2010 2:21 am

A mate skidded his xr into a lake and it was under the 20ft deep water for about 4 hours before we managed to get it out. He changed the oil and filter and drained the carbs and tank and put in fresh fuel and was riding it a few minutes later! When i worked in the motor trade i saw a few cars that had been under water revived quite surprisingly too!
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Re: Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby Anders » Fri May 14, 2010 7:17 am

Change the oil and crank the engine without sparkplug to get the water out of the engine.

As for wiring harness I have made all I have found online avaliable for download here:
http://www.swipeout.net/srxttforum/view ... p?f=6&t=21

As a note on reviving flooded engines, there is never any problems to get the occational snowmobile running again after it has sunk during a summer speed run across the lake :lol:
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Re: Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby billr » Fri May 14, 2010 8:59 am

Thanks for the notes. That gives me a bit more hope on drying it out and going again.
I'll have to change few wires and connectors from the looks, but I'm comfortable with that.
Been playing with high power electric airplane motors for years.
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Re: Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby aah5 » Fri May 14, 2010 3:16 pm

Thats a real bummer Bill. I know you have more important things to do than just dry out the bike, i bet the everyting is pretty well gone in your house. But if you have got a little time to spare get in and drain the oil and flush the water out with
any cheap oil and then give the whole bike a coating of a diesel and oil mix, that will prevent any more corrosion until you have the time for more serious action.
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Re: Wet Skorpion Tour...

Postby billr » Sat May 15, 2010 10:44 am

I've gotten to a point on the house where there's nothing more I can do. Now for inspections and contractors.
I was able to drain the bike out and shoot some oil in the cylinder.
There was water in the cylinder, but it came out clear.
Drained the oil and didn't see much water there.
Several wires and connections with lots of corrosion, so I'll be tearing into the loom and replacing those.
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