'98 Baghira Enduro Model on EBAY

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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'98 Baghira Enduro Model on EBAY

Postby AtomicSpew » Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:44 pm

Hey guys-
There's a complete, running '98 Baghira on ebay for $1750 starting price. 4 days to go on the auction and no bids. It looks to be in fair condition--a couple broken blinkers (literally still hanging off the bike), the headlight switch is toast, etc., but for anybody with a Street Moto version who's wanted the Enduro kit, this could be your ticket. When we could get the complete conversions back in the day when MZ still existed, they were about $1200 bucks for the wheel set, kickstand, etc., and you still had to source a brake rotor, if I'm not mistaken. For a few hundred bucks more you get a spare engine and an extra set of plastics!

I'm betting this guy will wheel and deal, as he says he took the bike in on trade from the original owner. (he's a heavy equipment dealer). Just wanted to make ya'll aware of it...

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Other-Ma ... 3362a8a3be
03 Baghira
03 CRF150F (w/BBR 175 hop-up)

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