16 tooth sprocket innit
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:26 am
anyone knows where i can get a 16 tooth front sporcket mail odered in U.K. and will it fit in the engine innit ? I beieve it be a JT sprockeet 577-16 is this corect ?
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handsomejackuk wrote:from what i can gather standard supermoto runs
15 front 43 rear which is 2.86 drive ratio
i currently have 15 front 45 rear which is 3.0
not wanting to alter the chain, and take links out i was going to go for
16 front 45 rear which would be.. 2.81 drive ratio which is near to stock... what do you think of this...
i was happy with 2.8 standard jjust when i changed the chain i put a different rear sprocket on...to see what it was like i just thought it would be easier to change the front...
opinions please