Rust Swinging Arm - Spherical bearing
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:47 am
Small rust marks turned out to be hiding big rust marks under the plastic coating and these turned out to be big rust holes after a gentle push with a screw diver. A bit more than a bit of filler could quickly cope with and removal of the arm showed the damage to not be the repairable type.
Obviously no Skorpion arms on eBay and while it is obviously off an FZ600R I suspect thee might be some differences. Also those on eBay looked nearly as rough as mine.
So I bit the bullet, rang Grahams and as a new arm does not cost an arm and a leg I await its arrival from Germany via Somerset.
Not sure if bearings are fitted or not, doubt it sso a new lot of them as well.
So check that right hand arm.
As I have the suspension down I might as well check the other bearings, especially that odd spherical bearing which I believe MZ/Yamaha can charge an arm and a leg for but is actually standard. Needle rollers are all marked but I believe that one is not. Anyhow being prepared does anyone know what size it is. MZ parts list does not give the type, just their part number.
Panic over. My filing system works and I have it as a CSS-12 bore 12mm OD 26mm and length 16mm at £12.80 (probably out of date now). So it seems I only need confirmation.