Dave: I've already installed a new float a few months ago, after I found the original was split.
Well, good news. After picking up replacement coil on Sunday from a friend at the MZ club meet local to me, I installed it last night and went for a quick 10 mile ride. There were absolutely no problems.
I've taken the bike to work today and all is happy. Idling well, with lights and all.
Now onto some different problems...
- For a start in a high gear, low rpm situation, pulling back the throttle still gives a sort of mis-fire type of feel. I think this one might actually be down to compression, as the bike will not surpass 65 (indicated) MPH. The engine is quite noticably quite 'slappy'.
- Charging, it still seems to vary between a max of 6.4v and 7.2v with the lights on so even on the lower end so long as i'm moving it seems just about to sustain itself (i've got this far), but I really aught to go through the wiring in the headlamp bowl to clean all electrical contacts. There may be a voltage loss at the contacts to the lamps themselves for example, but also potentially the switch itself.
Additionally, there is some good news however. The other night I took apart the horn again to see if I could get it to work, and disasembling it further, and cleaning all the contacts I could has got me a horn! Simple things really... It's not bad off the bike directly off the battery (and I suppose in an enclosed space). But it's pretty puny on the bike - once again, I could clean the contacts in the handlebar switch (and the junction to the main loom is via the ignition switch so see above).
EDIT: Added video of horn on bench if anyone so happened to be interested in the tone.
Additionally number two, the above coil fix means that I can swap back the condensers on the ETZ and ES after some more riding/testing, if I so wanted... I might.