Thanks puff for the condensed info.
Well, I tested a spare lobe and points. And at first the bike ran better. But still, at idle, it mis-fires like it wants to run backwards. It didn't do so whilst It was running, but did run backwards on an unsufficient kick-start kick.
I've kinda given up. I'm not even going to be putting electronic ignition on it, because for me- Putting on the original 250 barrel and piston is less effort as it stands, as odd as that sounds.
And in honesty, I'm not really sure I was quite happy with the power delivery. It seemed quite low end, as you say puffs, and although would quite happily get to the higher RPM, it was not lightening. Disapointed.
I have read a lot regarding overboring and timing issues/engine expansion in Hungary, a very supportive populace of the MZ. No one can get it right there, either..