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What do we think of a ETZ251 Kanuni?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:15 am
by stuart-glos

Despite having a 301 project, an ETZ251 Kanuni (year 2000) came up for sale locally and I just couldn't stop myself from buying it!!

So now it's too late to change my mind (!) what do we think of these Turkish bikes? Is there anything notably different about them from other MZ's? Is there anything I need to look out for?



Re: What do we think of a ETZ251 Kanuni?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:35 am
as with any used bike a very careful safety check.

and ride it or if the parts fit use it for spares

Re: What do we think of a ETZ251 Kanuni?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:33 pm
by therealche
Main problems I know of are the quality of the chrome plating (appalling) and the paint which is better than the chrome but still not brilliant. But I've met a few people who have had them from new and love em. The only problem with MZs is they are addictive.... and once people know you have one or two they seem to decide you need their one too. Which is why I'm buying an ETZ250 with a broken gearchange spring off a mate for £200!