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Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:40 am
by Tome
I've recently picked up an ETZ250 and was told it has semi electronic ignition. Looking at my mates standard setup and pictures of fully electronic it does look different.
Does anyone know anything about this or where I might be able to find some information?
It all seems to work fine but I get, what sounds like, an electronic clicking or ticking at about 6000rpm but goes away over that. So far I've just stayed below that. Any ideas what this might be?
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:22 pm
look at it some night in a very dark area
with it running see if spark is jumping at the plug cap or wires
an arcing plug wire can be quite loud in humid weather conditions
and around top of the coil
silicone spray area if you find it jumping an arc
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:48 pm
by therealche
A picture might help. There were several aftermarket ignition systems sold for the MZ. tended to keep the points but switch the coil via a black box full of Magik Electikery!
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:31 pm
switch the coil via a black box full of Magik Electikery!
some of the black boxes had a very loud but good and fast reed relay
some people preferred them over a transistor
some even output noise on the mw band 500 kc to 2000kc thats standard broadcast in the usa
its a good idea but usually done on the cheap side resulting in poor service from the devices
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:21 am
by Tome
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll give it a go running it in the dark to have a look.
Here's a picture of the points/generator area that will hopefully give some indication of the kit.
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:52 am
by therealche
Ah... it's the other end we need to see! It still has points so it is probably on of the electronic assist systems
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:51 am
look at this pic at the high lighted area you may have a short to the condenser case
looks a bit close
click on pic to make it bigger
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:42 am
by Tome
I'll have a look at that, it doesn't appear to be connected to anything so hopefully I can just bend it back a touch.
A couple of pictures from under the right hand side cover and under the seat.
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:15 am
by arry_b
That looks the right size and shape to be the home-assembled kit they sell in Maplins. It's got the same heat sink they supply with the kit too. It's transistor triggered and silent in operation.
One question though - how are you hearing anything above 6000 rpm over the noise of the engine?
Re: Semi electronic ignition/click or tick
Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:48 pm
by pete7mzs
As arry b says it's definitely a Velleman home build points assisted electronic ignition kit from Maplins, I don't think they do them now unless on special order