Mounting of Skidplate / Sump guard ?

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Mounting of Skidplate / Sump guard ?

Postby Hoke » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:33 am

Is there someone who has mounted a skidplate on the Baghira?

I have these protectionbars now: ... ction+bars
But they are all messed up by rocks + they make it hard do use my bikelift on the bike.

I was going to mount a improved "copy" of the Touratech skidplate, but i realized that the engine sump is lower than the "framebars" on the bike :smt104 (doh what the f... :!: )

Touratechs solution to this is to use spacers like on the pictures here:
That mounting will never ever work for any real offroad adventures with the bad groundclearance on the Baggy :roll: (Touratech, is this skidplate for good/bad looks only???)

Does anyone tried some other solution for the mounting of a skidplate?
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Postby irishnutjars » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:24 pm

Hi Hoke- I picked up a cheap XTZ660 sump guard recently- looks like it should work with a little bit of adaption & it sure looks alot better than the touratech one! Just about to move house so I'm afraid I wont be fitting it soon but definately worth a look!
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Postby keithcross » Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:40 am

I to have been looking at the possabilty of fitting a Yamaha XTZ660 sump gaurd, but have yet to take the plunge and ourchase one to try.
Couls anyone who has already doen this please let up know if it will work, or if you have one and have not fitted it could you just offer it up to see :)

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Postby irishnutjars » Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:07 am

Hi Keith- I have offered it up and I'm sure that it will fit with some minor alterations to mounts. It looks quite neat around front off frame too. Will keep you posted when I eventually get round to it! I had mine off ebay for about a tenner!
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Postby keithcross » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:06 pm

Cheers for that. I will keep an eye out for one. There is one on EBay currently, but he wants £15 plus £3 P&P at the moment. I will have to think about wheter to buy now or wait to see if a cheaper one turns up :)

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Postby Hoke » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:29 pm

Interesting to read aboute your sumpgardprojects -please keep us up to dated :D

The XTZ sumpgard will not fit strait on because the frames are different. It will probably be a little to short to (even Touratech is to short).
Compare the pictures below to the pictures in my previous links.
IMG_0011.jpg (64.13 KiB) Viewed 4612 times
IMG_0036.jpg (60.44 KiB) Viewed 4612 times
IMG_0042.jpg (66.4 KiB) Viewed 4612 times
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Postby keithcross » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:42 pm

I see what you mean, but it would be better then nowt. It does however look like teh XTZ doesnt have any frame under the engine, is this right?
BTW looks like a well used XTZ :)

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Postby Hoke » Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:23 pm

No, i don't think there where any.

The Sump guard was mounted to the frame in front of the engine, and in the back where the footpegs are.
That sumpguard was actually very good -i tested it alot :lol:
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Postby cat » Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:42 am

i think the simplest way is to make one - need someone to weld aluminium. like this R100GS one [attached pictures]. friend just made one for TT-R230. flat plates - no bending, just welding.
or get a plastic one - Hyde Developments - and modify it - you can bend them, mold them with heat.

BMW R100GS bashplate (advrider Twin headlight Ernie) (7).jpg
BMW R100GS bashplate (advrider Twin headlight Ernie) (7).jpg (93.32 KiB) Viewed 4571 times
BMW R100GS bashplate (advrider Twin headlight Ernie) (6).jpg
BMW R100GS bashplate (advrider Twin headlight Ernie) (6).jpg (84.89 KiB) Viewed 4571 times
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Home Made!

Postby livotlout » Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:39 pm

Survived a crash in Bolivia!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby Hoke » Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:01 pm

Thank you! :!: :!:
Great, you just gave me an really good idea! :D
That is the way a skidplate should look like 8)

You is also using MT21 as front tire -i think that it works great for this bike as an "allround"tyre ;-)
I took my tyre on a ride to day -since we have spring weather here in Sweden now (should be midwinter with snow and stuff).
Last night we had at storm, to bad -had to turn back a couple off times.
I should really have needed a skidplate like yours to day -when rounding the trees...

Some pictures ;-)
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Postby cat » Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:38 am

:) nice photos there, Hoke, thanks! wow, so much forest you have there. looks like you need a chainsaw to get through, all those fallen trees across the road. but dark, it's still winter.
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