beter lights on the mastiff or baggy

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beter lights on the mastiff or baggy

Postby tuny » Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:18 pm

i installed a XENON PILOT kit H4 8000K on my mastiff and i'm just blow'n away by the results, super light suddenly it looks like i'm driving with daylight, perfect just perfect. every day i drive in the dark (work trafic) and i did need something new and this is ... the only thing i can tell u all is get that stuff and install it, tomorow i"l post a pic and in a week or so i"l try to post a movie with the xenon light
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Postby keithcross » Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:53 pm

Is the kit you have fitted the HID Xenon kit? In which case I have been looking at these, but they seem very expewnsive, £70+ in the UK. Also isnt the kit a bit heavy.

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Postby tuny » Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:04 pm

the kit costed me about 120 euro and yes its a bit heavy but what do you call heavy? it's around 600gram so not as improtand as you think. if u just look at the weight of the drivers, i fore example weight around 95kg so what will one more do?
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Postby MSW » Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:09 pm

I'm not familiar with the lights on the Mastiff, but I've always wanted to try to upgrade my Baggy's headlight. Is the headlight housing on the Mastiff made of metal? Most of the housing on the Baggy is made of plastic, and I'd be afraid that it would melt if I tried the hotter light.

Anyone ever tried to upgrade the headlight on the Baggy?

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Postby tuny » Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:14 pm

thats the realy good thing about the HID xenon lights, they are soooooooooooooo good and do not at all get hot!!! and they do use les power so les amps and less temperature. they are only 35W when starting up and less afterwards, and they give light like a 200W car lamp. (witch not even exists) the light allso extra puts out the trafic lines on the road and the speedlimmit plates and so. it is realy wonderfull driving this ligths. i instantly ordered a new set fore my other bike (bandit 1200) and fore my car. a peugeot 106.
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Postby keithcross » Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:42 pm


The Mastiff has 2 chrome headlights as standard. tuny is right about teh heat as well, these lights run a lot cooler than normal H4 bulbs.
I am still unsure about the life of these bulbs with the vibration of a big single though, we will have to see how tuny's do. If they last fro a while then I will certainly be investing in some before nex winter. Dont really need them now as the majority of my riding is during daylight hours until next November.

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Postby Fil » Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:08 am

keithcross wrote:
The Mastiff has 2 chrome headlights as standard.

Mine were black painted metal, but I think they use the same bulbs as the Baggy
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Postby beamisinbtw » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:37 pm

i put a xenon bulb in my baggy a year ago and have had no problems much brighter than stock much more white light
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Postby keithcross » Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:36 pm

I already have a Xenon bulb, but tiuny is on about HID Xenon. Alot different as it s an electrical discharge lamp and need an electronic controller (choke) to make it work.

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Postby Hoke » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:48 am

Put a small car/searchlight on your helmet and be happy ;-)
I have been using this for a long time(it works perfect) and it only cost med like 20$. It took about 15min to "make" and i can mount and dismount it in just one min... Driving when dark became fun suddenly :D
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