MuZ Skorpion Lightweight Subframe

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MuZ Skorpion Lightweight Subframe

Postby droy » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:26 am


Looking for the lightweight subframe that is on the Corsa Meccanica web site (they have not picked up the phone or answered email in a month). I also checked with Barker and Galan (Bikeworx) but no one has one.

Anyone with some advice? Know who was making them for these guys?


Doug - Sport at 50k Km
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Postby basser23 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:43 am

I believe Tim Barker was the fabricator for these frames..I know
Zac Seasly made 1 for his wife Elaine (look up Precision Strike Racing)
at one time, and I think Bill Jurgenson knows where to have one made
in Germany.
In reality,it shouldn't be THAT hard if you know how to weld to make one
up in chrome moly tubing..wouldn't be as light as alloy, but maybe stronger and easier to weld..
Did you get your exhaust sorted?
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Alloy sub-frame

Postby sapperk9 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:19 pm

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