
Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:08 am


Just a quick question. Anyone ever considered fitting a quickshifter to their baghira. I have recently noticed that clutchless changes seem a lot easier since I have fitted a race pipe to my bike, I dont know whether it is because my exhaust note is louder but i really got upshifts and downshifts smooth. was wondering how easy a quickshifter would be to fit and how much these kits are.

B.T.W. saw some awesome front master cylinders fitted to a KTM superduke today would love to put a different setup on my Baghira as i hate the Grimeca Master cyliner looks and the domino levers are crap would like a lever with adjustable span any ideas, on what lever i can fit on my standard master cylinder ?

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Postby Garf » Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:46 pm

No idea on the quickshifter mate.

I have a KTM Duke adjustable span master cylinder and the quality looks loads better than the GRIMeca .....cant recomend it yet though because I havent fitted it !!!

If I was a bit richer (well, less tight) I would have gone for the Brembo radial master cylinder which are pretty much as good as you can get.

What you doin with the comedy caliper ?

HR Black Panther
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comedy caliper

Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:51 pm


Just going through my bike quietly. and my next area of concern is my Bars. I have just fitted new bars and whoa what a difference !!!! 1 inch higher WRP fatbars with WRP clamps.

The levers look crap compared to the bars and certainly because I am not running handguards the levers stick out to much. need shorter levers with adjustable span, or a new master cylinder, lever setup as of road bike setup. Where did you get your brembo cylinder ?

Comedy caliper is on my list but money is tight and have to do one thing at a time. Wheels need to be respoked 1st (winter Job). Then new disks front and rear, then caliper, then 660 raptor motor mods.

Cheers Alun
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Postby Garf » Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:01 pm

Hi Alun
I got it off ebay from a guy who had bought it new to upgrade the master cylinder off his Skorp but it didnt fit the clip on type of handlebar.

It was pretty much as new.

Will hopefully get the hose and stainless banjo bolts ordered v soon once I find out what thread the Brembo master uses and what thread my Beringer caliper uses. If anybody out there knows I would be glad of the info.


HR Black Panther
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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:57 am

Brembo is always the norm: M10x1
Can't say for Beringer, but I would assume they follow the norm.
Some japanese stuff is M10x1,25, tho.

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Bill Jurgenson
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Postby Garf » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:56 am

Thanks Bill.

The master is Brembo so at least one end will be right if i order M10x1 !

HR Black Panther
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Location: Manchester, UK.

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