Skorpion Sport Parts

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Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:36 pm

hey all

i live in australia and have a 99 skorpion sport.
i am looking for parts here... which is a nightmare!
i need a tacho, a windshield (don't accidentaly spray petrol on the underside of the shield!) and a right mirror.
actually now i am thinking about just rebuilding the whole front end. but anyway...
does anyone know where i can get this stuff?
is anybody wrecking a skorpion?

i am desperate. and sick of the skorpion looking like crap.
any help would be awesome!

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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby FUTURE » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:45 am

Hi mate. I am in Sydney and have not seen a MuZ listed with any wreckers. Where abouts are you?
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:36 pm

sydney yep.
i've been ringing around the last few days and there doesn't seem to be any!
i've never even seen another muz on the road in sydney.
there is a shop in moss vale that is the australian dealer for muz... but they wanted to charge me $500 for a tacho.
there has to be one wrecking somewhere!
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby Nils D » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:39 pm

Are you sure you can't repaire your tachometers?

See the end of this thread:


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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:30 am

the stock tach can be repaired alright - you are talking about the older very big version? - but it is not worth the bother, 'cause it will just break again. And again. And...
After the third guaranty-replacement tach, I gave up.
There are several possible replacements. The most "original-looking" is to mount the complete instrument unit from an SZR. You do need the CDI from the SZR as well for the tach to work which is no problem.The speedo hooks directly. It would all depends on whether you can garner something like this off eBay cheaply (+25€ for the isntrument, 50-80 for the CDI, but you can sell your CDI in return), otherwise it would be just as expensive or more, than just ordering the new model instruments new. In that case, almost any of the aftermarket electronic devices would be cheaper to much cheaper.
Very good and not expensive as such things go is the Scitsu from merry old England. I would recommend this first and would have gotten one myself, had I know about them back then:
you would need model B1 for an engine with wasted spark. Normally, the range to 8000 is sufficient unless you are contemplating some engine tuning. Then you should go for the 10000rpm range. £121 to Aus. is cheap if you ask me. a new original part costs more and is nowhere near as good. These things have a very good reputation.

Then there is the Stack, also English:
These are EXPENSIVE, but they also have an extremely good reputation and as you will see are complete street instruments with digital speedo, control lights and all the rest. very sexy...

Here are a few links for other combi instruments:

I use this one and have used it since about 1996 when I got fed up with the stock unit:
sorry, the site is only in German
It is small,light, waterproof, dependable and repairable for small fees if and when (crash) it might be necessary.
"Kompaktes digitales Cockpit mit gleichzeitiger Anzeige von Geschwindigkeit und Drehzahl, Tages- und Gesamtkilometerzähler,
Bordspannung, Öl- oder Wassertemperatur. Das Cockpit ermöglicht die Speicherung von Maximalwerten, Kontroll-LED's für Neutral, Fernlicht, Blinker, maximale Öltemperatur (programmierbar) und Öldruck. Mit TÜV-Gutachten!"
Translation: "compact digital cockpit simultaneously displaying speed and RPM; odometer and trip odo; voltage output; oil or water temperature if a sensor is installed; maximum values can be stored; control LEDs for neutral, highbeam, blinker, maximum oil tempperature, and oil pressure. Official vehicle inspection documents."

Then there is always the possibility of using the mechanical tach from a SRX or SR - both work. The angle drive goes on the right side of the cylinder head where that small round sheetmetal cover is. As long as my racer was running with a magneto, it had a SRX tach:
THe SRX is basically the same engine, so this is perhaps the most straight-forward, made-for-the-engine possibility after all. I could sell you this setup complete with angle drive as shown if you are interested; you would need to make some sort of plate(black plastic or alu) to mount it in the hole in the panel. It is smaller than the MZ original so that would not be a problem, really.
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby FUTURE » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:38 am

HurfDurf wrote:sydney yep.
i've been ringing around the last few days and there doesn't seem to be any!
i've never even seen another muz on the road in sydney.
there is a shop in moss vale that is the australian dealer for muz... but they wanted to charge me $500 for a tacho.
there has to be one wrecking somewhere!

There are at least 2 others besides me in Sydney. ... ether.html

and there is Micheal Barnes in Dubbo &

I would look carefuly at Bill's posts.


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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:43 pm

Bill Jurgenson wrote:Here are a few links for other combi instruments:

is there anything that bill doesn't know?
i am thinking this acewell would look awesome on the skorpion...
and this american site is pretty cheap!
how easy would this be to hook up?
it says they can offer different configurations... is there names for the type of connectors that i could ask for?
also... would i need a new CDI? is there benefits in a new CDI?

thanks everyone for their answers!

ps. the old tacho went to the best tacho repairers in sydney and they had no luck... so now it is at the tip. i really should have kept it. i was angry at it at the time.
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:45 pm

FUTURE wrote:There are at least 2 others besides me in Sydney. ... ether.html

and there is Micheal Barnes in Dubbo &

I would look carefuly at Bill's posts.



hey ross

would love to hook up with some other sydney mzers for a ride sometime!
hopefully i will have a new acewell tacho, a gp500 screen and cagiva mirrors by then! and maybe brembos!

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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby FUTURE » Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:24 pm

HurfDurf wrote:
FUTURE wrote:There are at least 2 others besides me in Sydney. ... ether.html

and there is Micheal Barnes in Dubbo &

I would look carefuly at Bill's posts.



hey ross

would love to hook up with some other sydney mzers for a ride sometime!
hopefully i will have a new acewell tacho, a gp500 screen and cagiva mirrors by then! and maybe brembos!


Maybe we could do this in January.
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:02 am

it says they can offer different configurations... is there names for the type of connectors that i could ask for?
also... would i need a new CDI? is there benefits in a new CDI?

you need the one with ignition coil signal:
Tachometer Input CDI or Ignition Coil Signal

That's all.

as for the CDI, there a good reason to go for a higher rev limiter. As long as the engine is stock or close to it, i..e. no extremely high comporession ratio, you can use the CDI from the TDM. Here are the three Denso boxes that work:

The TDM box has an 8400 limit. It unfortunately also has a steeper advance curve but this is not a problem with the stock 9+:1 CR. Nor with 10:1.
For any real tuning, tho, you must have the original box modified. Bernd at does this for a slight fee. I have all of mine from him; you send in a good one and get it back in due time: plug and play. Slipstream does it, too. There wa also a racing box from OVER which I have only ever seen used, however.
Keep in mind that the original XT enigne and most of its offspring were and are enduro engines. There is no need to rev higher in the dirt. The single street bike with the engine before the Skorpion was announced was the Yamaha SRX and it has no rev limiter at all. The CDI from the SRX works of course, too, but that is not plug and play. You would have to sort out the terminal pins with both wiring plans.
For the Skorpion and the SZR, go to a shorter final drive ratio (15/42 or better 43) and and a raised limiter. As it is, the engine doesn't start to deliver any punch until over 5000, and starts really pushing at about 6500. The stock limiter at 7200 is nuts on the street, right where the engine is on song. Using a raised limiter doesn't mean you are obliged to rev into the higher limiter all the time or even run at a constant 8000, altho I have done that for 200km at a time with a stock engine. It only allows you to ride more fluidly and gives you that extra punch when passing on a country road. It does no damage whatsoever.
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby basser23 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:58 am


There are several guys in UK that have used the Acewell units..I know
Wonky at Slipstream had one on his STMZ Baggi..excellent results.
I'm planning pretty much the same for my Skorp.
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby DEmark » Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:52 pm

Basser, I pm'ed you a couple of days ago,
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby basser23 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:43 pm

I checked pm's ..nothin' in my inbox
How ya been?

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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Sun Nov 18, 2007 3:56 pm

basser23 wrote:Hurfdurf,

There are several guys in UK that have used the Acewell units..I know
Wonky at Slipstream had one on his STMZ Baggi..excellent results.
I'm planning pretty much the same for my Skorp.

thanks chip!
so good to know.
the place in the states have confirmed they can send them for $120 + shipping!
and with our dollar at the moment... that is an awesome price!
so now to find a new CDI...
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Re: Skorpion Sport Parts

Postby HurfDurf » Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:36 pm

does anyone have a photo of a skorpion speedo drive handy?
otherwise i will have to pull my speedo out and take one!
also... any good place to find a tdm cdi?
thanks again everyone!
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