I'm kind of a scrounging sort and usually can source most anything...if I have time. So,here's the word on key blanks for Baghira/Mastiff. The Ilco number for a Volvo is bogus. I know, I tried it. BOY! It's close! but if you want it right without any hassle, go down to your local KTM dealer and buy a blank for one of the 950's. Probably about $9 each, pricey, but it's nickel plated brass has the rubber cover on it. Quality! You can also go online and find a cheap steel blank for a KTM if you can't stand having the rubber cover that says KTM on your MZ. Personally, I'm going to use the KTM key for riding and put the original key away with all the original docs. Seems a good bunch here to be around